- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose : The primary purpose of this study was to determine the answer to the following hypothesis : Do adults who get a good fitness age (score) posses active reactions concerning with health awareness and practices, and participation in physical and leisure activities as compared with those indivisuals who do not get a such scores? A secondary objective was to find the general tendencies and differences between each age group concerning with above mentioned categories. Method : The subjects used in the study were adult male (40-59 years old) who completed the physical fitness test and a questionnair. The all subjects belonged in J corporation. Six physical fitness test items, side-step, sit-ups, vertical jump, trunk flection, grip and 3-min. step test were administered to each subject with the assistance of professional instructors. The physical fitness age was calculated from the total points of the test scores. The questionnair were issed directly to the same subjects. Because of the objective was to solisit information concerning awareness and practices of health, physical and leisure activities with a view point of fithess age, each subject was requested to add his fitness age in the questionnair. The analysis was made by crossing fitness age and each question. The statistical computations were executed by the use of a NEC PC-9801F personal computer. Results : Some of the finding of the study were as follows : 1) The distribution of the civil age and the fitness age showed high fitness scores in the age of 45-54 years old compared with the age of 40-44 years old. 2) Those who showed the high fitness scores reacted for the farm indivisualized health awareness. The rest of the subjects showed relatively negative health reactions. 3) A responce to the self-evaluation of health was made of the quite clear tendency which showed high self-confidence among those who were in the level of the above average fitness scores. 4) Those who showed the high fitness scores respoded to the highest percentage of exercise participation item although those who showed the lowest fitness scores responded to the highest for the item of relaxation or rest. 5) No significant differences between the high, middle and low fitness scores were found in the items of exercise participation, sexual desire, subject of identity and leisure type and desire. Summary : Varification of the hypotheses revealed significant differences in the domein of health awareness, self-evaluation and practice. The further study concerning with the calculation of the relationship between the civill age and fitness age should be made from the view point of statistical analysis. The overall implications of this study indicate that more detailed informations on health and exercise practice should be acquired from the subjects.
- 東海大学の論文
- 1987-03-30
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