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For the solution methed of the non-1inear stiffness equations, we have the Yamada's method which uses the increment of the load obtained by the yielding of each element. This paper presents the modified calculation method which obtains the increment of the load by considering not only the yielding but also buckling and breaking of each element. Moreover, we present the higher order stiffness matrices obtained by the higher order expansion terms of the strain. We obtained the effects of these higher order strain terms for the large deflection problems of truss and frame stuctures. For the truss structures, we find that asincreasing the load the displacement of the nodal points obtained by using the strain up to the 3rd order terms diverge rapidly. However, if using the strain up to the 4th order terms, they do not diverge and the calculation will continue to the larger load. For the frame structures, the differences between the 3rd order strain terms and the 4th order strain terms do not appear clearly. However, only for the hard conditions of the buckling we find the differences between them.
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