混合ガス(N_2, SF_6, c-C_4F_8)の正極性コロナ放電シミュレーション
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It is well known that SF_6 has high dielectric strength, and is widely used as the gas insulation medium for electric power apparatus. On the other hand, SF_6 has a defect, the dielectric strength of SF_6 decreases under high pressure in non-uniform field. Consequently, the studies on gas mixtures have been continued to improve the dielectric strength of SF_6. It has been reported that the ternary gas mixtures, comprised of N_2,SF_6,and c-C_4F_8 have excellent dielectric characteristics both under uniform and non-uniform fields. In this paper, the authors simulate the positive corona discharge in a point-plane gap using the one-dimensional continuity equations presented by R. Morrow, and compute the density distribution of charged particles (electrons, positive ions, and negative ions) and the corona pulse current in the gas mixtures. Results of simulation for the binary gas mixtures (N_2/SF_6,SF_6/c-C_4F_8) and the ternary gas mixtures (N_2/SF_6/c-C_4F_8) are shown.
- 東海大学の論文
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- 協会誌「工学(工業)教育」の編集を顧みて
- 1994年度の就職をふりかえって : 採用担当者大いに語る
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