- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, in order to analyze the actions for grounding in the work site against the shortcircuiting phenomena, the failure analysis for the grounding is first discussed. Then, the upper limit values of the fault current flowing through a worker and the grounding conductor are presented through the above analysis, and the possibility of a fusion or tention breakage of the grouding conductor by the current is discussed. As the results, the following are confirmed, and the prospect is obtained for electric safety securities of wokers on UHV power transmission line. 1. For electric safety securities of wokers against the shortcircuiting phenomena, it is necessary to provide the grounding close to the workers. 2. With the grounding conductor size so determined as to correspond to the grounding current at the steady condition on UHV power transmission line (electrostatic and electromagnetic induction current; maximum value 70 A), there is no possibility of fusing even if the fault current (40 kA) is superposed. 3. With the foregoing conductor size (copper conductor, 40 mm^2) there is no possibility of tension breakage from the effect of the electromagnetic force with thue falt current.
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