- 論文の詳細を見る
The Shiretoko Peninsula in eastern Hokkaido is known for its abundance of landslides. In this region,a total of 606 landslides were identified in aerial photographs of which 97 were large-scale landslides (more than 500 m wide or 20 ha in area). The characteristics of large-scale landslides in the Shiretoko Peninsula are summarized as follows : 1)Large-scale landslides are mostly found along the margins of Pliocene to Quaternary subaerial andesitic lavas overlying Miocene volcaniclastic and clastic rocks. One of the geological factors for large-scale landslides is cap rock structures composed of subaerial lavas and underlying Miocene strata, which are susceptible to small-scale landsliding. 2)Most large-scale landslides are of rock-slump-type shape or debris-avalanche-type shape,the latter of which is characterized by a main scarp with large relative elevation, sliding mass under the scarp, and sliding/flowing debris of several hundreds meters in length. Moreover,also recognized were debris flows forming the waste-filled valleys of 400 to 500 meters wide and 3 to 4 kilometers long. 3) Moving and depositional areas in large-scale landslides were mostly enlarged by the repeated occurrence of landslides and flows of sliding mass, and the new sliding occured on the back-slope of the main scarp. 4)In order to understand the mechanism of large-scale sliding, the relationships of the Rausudake active faults and the destruction of the dome-like volcaro to the Onnebetsudake large-scale landslides should be further investigated in detail.
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