- 論文の詳細を見る
1. To evaluate bioavailability of zinc from various kind of protein sources, 4 test diets basically composed of 3.5% of mineral mixture without zinc and 20.0% of egg albumin, milk casein, soy protein or wheat gluten as protein source, were ad libitum fed for 29 days to male albino rats of Wister strain, whose initial body weight was around 70g. 2. Crude protein content in albumin, casein, soy protein and wheat gluten used as protein source for the preparation of test diet was 76.24,79.03,78.45 and 71.49% respectively. The zinc content of the diets was 1.92 for albumin diet, 32.74 for casein diet, 38.82 for soy protein diet and 71.01 ppm for wheat gluten diet. 3. Content of crude protein in each test diet containing albumin, casein, soy protein or gluten was 14.56,16.19,15.10 and 14.19%, and their zinc content was 2.83,10.62,8.98 and 19.01 ppm, respectively. 4. Food consumption per rat in albumin, casein, soy protein and gluten diet group during 29-day experimental period was 193.4±12.3,554.4±29.1,333.7±30.9 and 261.3±24.5g/29 days, respectively. 5. Body weight gain per rat of each diet group was 21.2±3.8 in albumin, 22.03±21.6 in casein, 98.5±7.2 in soy protein and 26.8±6.3g/29 days in gluten diet group. 6. The ratio of dry weight of feces to food consumption during whole 7 days in the second week of the experimental period was 6.6±0.5 in albumin, 6.7±0.5 in casein, 6.9±1.4 in soy protein, and 8.2±0.5% in gluten diet group. 7. Apparent absorption rate of dietary zinc in albumin, casein, soy protein or gluten was estimated to be 70.97±4.47,86.40±4.12,55.18±10.11 and 30.55±5.90%, respectively. True absorption of zinc in casein, soy protein or gluten diets was 80.09±4.19,60.48±10.58 and 33.33±5.85% respectively. Albumin contained very low zinc content. Thus, the excretion of fecal zinc during 7 days in the 2nd week of albumin diet group was assumed to be endogenous zinc excretion. 8. Zinc content in rat liver per wet weight was the highest in soy protein group and the lowest in gluten group. Concentration of zinc in kidney and spleen was not significantly different among the four diet groups. 9. Zinc concentration of tibias in rats fed diets containing casein or gluten was significantly higher than the groups of rats fed soy protein or albumin diet. Zinc content of tibias per fresh weight of rats fed the diet containing gluten as protein source was the highest among the four test groups. In contrast, tibias zinc concentration was the lowest in the rat groups fed diets containing albumin or soy protein. Zinc content of femurs was found to be almost similar tendency to that of tibias among the four diet groups.
- 金城学院大学の論文
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