<原著>ヒト腎におけるterminal complement complexとS-protein(ビトロネクチン)の免疫組織化学的研究
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The localization of S-protein (vitronectin) and its relationship to C5b-9 complex and C3d deposition were studied in the normal human kidneys and in biopsy specimens from patients with kidney diseases by immunofluorescent and immunoelectron microscopy. In the normal kidneys, C3d was present along the glomerular and tubular basement membranes in vessel walls. S-protein was seen along the glomerular and tubular basement membranes, in the mesangial matrix, along Bowman's capsule and in vessel walls of the normal kidneys. S-protein and C5b-9 were co-localized in the striated membranous structures. Glomerular localization of S-protein and C3d was confirmed by the positive staining for these proteins in the glomerular and tubular basement membranes isolated from normal human kidneys. In kidney biopsy specimens, S-protein was frequently found in immune deposits and the mesangial area, and co-localized with C3c, C3d, C5b-9,which suggested local activation of terminal complement components and binding of S-protein to C5b-9. The amounts and distribution of S-protein and C5b-9 were associated with mesangial expansion. In tubular basement membrane, granular deposition of S-protein and C5b-9,without C3c, was observed, suggesting trapping of SC5b-9 complex rather than local activation of the complements. These finding indicate that S-protein is normally presented in the renal basement membranes and glomerular mesangium, and plays a role in controlling the terminal complement components activation by forming SC5b-9 in glomerular injury.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1990-03-25
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