<原著>担癌脾細胞より誘導されたlymphokine-activated killer cellsとその臨床応用への検討
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Surgical resection may be the most effective therapy for alimentary cancers, but the therapeutic results are unsatisfactory. Most patients deaths are caused by the recurrence of metastasized tumor cells which exist during the pre- or intra-operative period. Therefore, preventing metastasized tumor cells from outgrowing is the most important issue for successful surgical treatment. One possible approach to inhibiting the growth of metastasized tumor cells is to utilize the adoptive transfer of the tumoricidal effectors. Recently, the unique tumoricidal effector system, lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) system, to represent a cytotoxic phenomenon distinct from either classical cytotoxic T lymphocyte or natural killer system was reported. We attempted to generate the lymphokine-activated killer cells from tumor-bearer's spleens and to use them as effectors for adoptive immunotherapy. The spleen is a suitable organ for the lymphokine-activated killer cell induction because it has densely packed lymphocytes. So, we investigated whether tumor-bearer's splenocytes cultured with interleukin-2 (IL-2) in vitro could lyse various tumor targets and whether these effectors were applicable to immunotherapeutic potentials. In vitro cytotoxicity tests revealed that these lymphokine-activated killer cells generated from tumor-bearer's splenocytes were rendered highly activated to exhibit anti-tumor effects in a tumor-neutralizing assay (Winn assay) in vivo. Furthermore, lymphokine-activated killer cells infused intravenously into syngeneic mice with systemic metastasis significantly lengthened survival time of the mice compared with control mice given cultured cells without interleukin-3 (IL-2). These results suggest that the use of lymphokine-activated killer cells from tumor-bearer's splenocytes may provide a valuable method for the adoptive therapy of human neoplasms as well. Then we attempted to establish a new therapy for alimentary cancers by combining this therapy and surgical treatment.
- 近畿大学の論文
- 1985-12-25
- 17.ヒト脾細胞由来LAK細胞のadoptive immunotherapyへの応用に関する検討
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