<原報>味覚が生理機能に及ぼす影響 : 血圧値及び心拍数の分析
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Our research aims to be of some help toward pleasant taste and eating habits in variety of settings in young people's lives, and it uses generally marketed foods (both sweet and salty) in its tests. Our subjects were comprised of 17 men and women age 20 to 23 who had no problems with their sense of taste. Based on analyses of their circulatory function (blood pressure and heart rate) before and after eating and drinking, we studied a portion of the effects that differences in taste and preference had on the body. The results are as follows : A. A characteristic effect by gender of stimulation by sweetness was elevated SBP and HR for men and women, but the rate of elevation in men was striking. The HR for men in particular suddenly increased one minute after stimulation. B. A characteristic effect by gender of stimulation by saltiness was elevated SBP and HR for men and women, just as with sweetness, but the rate of elevation was higher, and stimulation by saltiness had a stronger effect than stimulation by sweetness. In particular, the slight effect of stimulation by sweetness for women was contrasted by their striking elevation in SBP and HR due to stimulation by saltiness. C. An increase in HR over time was seen with stimulation by sweetness, while with saltiness, a swift recovery was noticed. D. A distinctive feature of preferential differences was tastes that subjects liked resulted in a higher rate of elevation for both SBR and HR than did tastes they disliked. In particular, the increase in HR was striking. E. Problems that can be pointed out by this test are women's decreased sensitivity to taste due to a continued preference for sweet flavors and men's elevated blood pressure due to the consumption of only the foods they like.
- 共立薬科大学の論文
- 2001-06-01
板垣 和男
共立薬科大学 保健薬学 講座
桜木 真智子
板垣 和男
板垣 悦子
高久田 明
板垣 悦子
高久田 明
桜木 真智子
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