<原報>「五感」と「血圧」の関係 : その I 聴覚への刺激
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This studies observed that music and noise have effect on recovery of blood pressure and heart rate after execise. The results were as follows : The biggest influence on the systolic blood pressure was noise. The systolic blood pressure didn't go down by what noise caused us excitement. Music and noise lowered the diastolic blood pressure of all us after their used. Music is the best process of recovery on the heart rate. Music leads mind and body after exercise to relaxation, and it can make blood pressure and heart rate's process of recovery favorable. We thought it is effective for noise to prevent blood pressure from lowering suddenly which sometimes exert a bad influence on body after exercise.
- 共立薬科大学の論文
- 1994-03-25
板垣 悦子
高久田 明
桜木 真智子
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- 「五感」と「血圧」の関係 (IV) : 視覚への刺激 II
- プロテイン摂取とトレーニングの関係
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