<原報>五感への刺激が循環器系に及ぼす影響 : 色彩環境と音環境の検討
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A stimulation to receive from the five senses becomes a terrible key when we pursue agreeableness of life environment for us. The stimulation that it receives from the five senses is for mental unrest by a personal image to give influence to a body. In this study, we used six colors (red, blue, green, yellow, white, black) as stimulation to receive from sight. As the next experiment, we played music in a color room and examined influence to blood pressure value and heart rate. The purposes of our study are to examine "color environment" and "sound environment" to make better you life environment. The consequences are as follows. In stimulation only of color, "red" let systric blood pressure increase, and "blue" did decrease it. There were many things which such as "blood", "fight", "a sense of being oppressed" become exalted as for the image of "red" that blood pressure value let increase. As for "the blue" that blood pressure value decreased, "the deep sea" "calms", and there were many things which had a feeling of relaxation of "sleepiness". The images of "blue", "red" and "yellow" when they're added musics were so different compared with only the color. "The red" that increased only from the color decreased, and, as for "the blue", dispersion was found in a value. Yellow showed same condusion. In case of the stimulation only from color, the increase and decrease of systric blood pressure during staying the room and after leaving were same tendencies. But we moderated influence of color when we added music. A person of stimulation of music received influence in systric blood pressure than stimulation only of color more, and the person who did not hear music usually was inexpensive. Width of change of heart rate was bigger when we added to music. And the values when he was in the room and he left there were perfectly opposite, and they never settled down. There were various kinds of the images that each people received from the five senses. And blood pressure value and reaction of heart rate count depended on each people. These things mean that it is dangerous to use color environment and sound environment uniformly at the public place. It is not good to watch only from one side to have "better and healthy environment for body" ready. And we must not ignore a characteristic of one person unique in the situation either. In brief, it was thought that a study from wide fields such as psychology, physiology, medicine, human engineering was necessary.
- 共立薬科大学の論文
- 2000-06-01
板垣 和男
共立薬科大学 保健薬学 講座
板垣 和男
桜木 真智子
板垣 和男
板垣 悦子
高久田 明
板垣 悦子
高久田 明
桜木 真智子
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