<原報>プロテイン摂取とトレーニングの関係 (II) : 身体組成, 血液成分の分析から
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The purpose of this experiment is to find optimum dose of the protein which fitted dose of exercise. It is that we examine a quantity of protein that the purpose of experiment was suited for a quantity of physical exercise. Subject is five adult women. Period of training is three months. As for the contents of training, all the members are equal. We sorted subjects by three group (1 group-1/3,2 group-2/3,3 group-3/3). We examined configuration, skinfold thickness and blood composition. The results were as follows : 1. The body weight, of all the members increased, and there was no difference by a protein caloric intake. 2. There was no change transition to abdominal, chest and pelvic circumference of the body between the groups 1,2,3. But lower the intake of calorie, the skinfold thickness decreased. 3. As for the skinfold thickness of arm, subject of all the members decreased. But, in arm circumference, there was not alteration. 4. As for the body fat, subject of all the members decreased. And, as for the Lean Body Mass (LBM), subject of all the members increased. It was 2 group that body fat (%) decreased most, and LBM increased most. 5. In blood composition, Lactic-dehydro (LDH) showed a difference. As caloric intake of protein increased, LBM decreased. In the 2 group, red blood cell count decreased, and white blood cell count decreased, too. 6. When we obtained this experiment, we had a problem that all memhers of subjects were suffering from constipation caused by deficiency of moisture. As a result of superscription, It is thought that 3 group was able to use protein most effectively. And it was 2 group that muscular hypertrophy was the biggest.
- 共立薬科大学の論文
- 1997-06-25
飯島 史朗
飯島 史朗
共立薬科大学 先端技術 講座
木村 都
桜木 真智子
板垣 悦子
高久田 明
桜木 真智子
木村 都
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