<原報>自転車エルゴメーター運動における血圧, 心拍数及び体温の変化
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The physiological influence of the air temperature on the blood pressure, the hart rate and the body temperature of a exerciser was investigated by the load experiment using a bicycle ergometer. Four woman subjects were tested twice a day (once in the morning and the other in the afternoon) and every seven days in july (28-32℃), September (23-27℃) and October (18-22℃). Measurements of the blood pressure, the heart rate and the body temperature were made before, during and after the 15 minutes exercise with a bicycle ergometer with a torque of 1.5KP, respectively. As the air temperature increased, the systolic blood pressure decreased a little at rest (before exercise), While the diastolic blood pressure increased. During the exercise, a slight increase in the systolic pressure at 18-22℃ was obserbed, however, the influence of the room temperature on the diastolic blood pressure was almost negligible. There were on differences in the blood pressures between those at rest and those after exercise. The heart rate increased with the air temperature at the exercise. Thus, they were 133.7 beats/minute (SD=9.4) at 18-22℃, 138.9 beats/minute (SD=7.86) at 23-27℃ and 144 beats/minute (SD=1.92) at 28-32℃, respectively. Compered to the heart rate at rest, they were increased in 60.9%, 63% and 67%, respectively. The increase in body temperature was obserbed after the exercise.
- 1992-03-25
桜木 真智子
板垣 悦子
高久田 明
桜木 真智子
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