<Abstract of published report>Structures of New and Known Cyanoglucosides from a North American Plant, Purshia tridentata DC.
Murata Jin
Botanical Gardens Koishikawa Graduate School Of Sci. The Univ. Of Tokyo
水野 瑞夫
水野 瑞夫
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
Lang Frank
Dep. Of Biology Southern Oregon Univ.
Mizuno Mizuo
Osaka Prefectural Institute of Public Health
Inada A
Fac. Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan Univ.
Mizuno M
Gifu Pharmaceutical Univ. Gifu Jpn
Murata H
Okayama Univ. Okayama Jpn
Murata Hiroko
Division Of Virology Department Of Infectious Diseases Osaka Prefectural Institute Of Public Health
Nakano Masami
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Setsunan University
Murata J
Botanical Gardens Graduate School Of Sciences The University Of Tokyo
水野 瑞夫
Gifu College of Pharmacy
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- Structures of New and Known Cyanoglucosides from a North American Plant, Purshia tridentata DC.
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