Solubilities of BaCl_2 in NaCl and/or KCl Aqueous Solutions at Temperatures from 50 to 140℃
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Solubilities of BaCl_2 (exactly BaCl_2・2H_2O) in the quaternary system BaCl_2-NaCl-KCl-H_2O have been determined by mean of the electric conductivity method between 50 and 140℃ under vapor-saturated conditions with relative errors less than 6%. At constant temperatures, depending largely on NaCl concentration, and less on KCl one, the solubilities of BaCl_2・2H_2O in NaCl, KCl and NaCl+KCl solutions having salt/(salt+water) weight ratios of 0,0.05,0.10 and 0.15 decrease with increasing salt concentrations. On the other hand, when the concentration of a solvent is constant, the solubilities increase with increasing temperature. The result in the quaternary system indicates that the solubilities of BaCl_2 in the system can be linearly estimated from the data of systems BaCl_2-NaCl-H_2O and BaCl_2-KCl-H_2O.
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