rodingite の研究(第5報) : 福岡県篠栗町地域における産状
- 論文の詳細を見る
The rodingite specimens found as veins and masses in the area of Sasagurimachi locating north of Fukuoka Prefecture have been inspected with microscope and by means of X-rey diffraction. As for clinozoisite-epidote, the molecular ratio Fe^<3+>_x (Fe^<3+>/Fe^<3+>+Al) derived rontgenographically surely represent the range of 0.09-0.14 in the massive rodingites and that of 0.04-0.09 in the veins lower than in the former case. That of 0.16-0.23 in the veinlets in microdiorite and that of 0.15-0.24 in the schist or in the veinlets in the schist clearly reveal the remarkable difference from those in the rodingites. It seems a tendency that the H_2O content in hydrogrossular in rodingite is somewhat higher in the veinlets than in the main masses, indicating nothing but 0.2mole. It is also deducible that serpentinite and microdiorite constructing the basic to ultrabasic bodies occurring in the district concerned might have captured or intruded into schist, suggesting their activity later than the latter.
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