意見変化における "sleeper" effectの生起の検討
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The purpose of this study is to examine the occurrence of the "sleeper" effect. The subjects were 186 undergraduate students. One group was given the persuasive communication from the positive communicator and the other was given it from the negative communicator. The topic was that reading a newspaper is more useful than watching and listening to a television in our life and it was communicated by a tape recorder. The reinstatement procedure was done to a part of each group by the tape recoder three weeks after being given the persuasive communication. Opinion change was assessed before the persuasive communication, and then immediately after, one week after, two weeks after, and three weeks after. Ss' memory about the communicator and Ss' memory about the content of the persuasive communicatoin were rated one week after being given the persuasive communication, two weeks after, and three weeks after, making them recalled respectively. The results were as follows ; 1. As a whole the "sleeper" effect occurred when the persuasive communication was given from the negative communicator, just as in the Hovland and his colleague study. 2. The "sleeper" effect ocourred on only these who were able to recall both the source and the content of the communication which was communicated from the negative communicator. 3. The positive effects of the reinstatement occurred on both the positive communicator and the negative communicator group.
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