光散乱式粒子測定器で測定された長崎の黄砂現象 : 1996〜1998
- 論文の詳細を見る
Yellow sand events at Nagasaki in Japan during the springs of 1996-1998 were analyzed based on the measurement of paricle size distribution in the atmosphere by an optical particle counter (OPC). The yellow sand event (Kosa phenomenon in Japanese) means a significant dust storm in Japan, which is brought from the Asian Continent, so that, sometimes called the Asain duststorm. The time series of aerosol number densities measured by the OPC at Nagasaki University indicate the threshold values of large particles in yellow sand events as; number density of particles of diameter from 1 to 2μm : 4880 per liter number density of particles of diameter from 2 to 5μm : 2220 per liter number density of particles of diameter larger than 5μm : 80 per liter
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- 1章 黄砂現象 : 大陸からの小さな旅人たち(I部 地域自然環境)
- 光散乱式粒子測定器で測定された長崎の黄砂現象 : 1996〜1998
- 光学式粒子測定器で測定された長崎の黄砂 : 1996-1998