P-wave velocity structure of the ice sheet and the shallow crust beneath the Mizuho traverse route, East Antarctica, from seismic refraction analysis
- 論文の詳細を見る
A seismic survey with a high density network was conducted by the 41st Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-41) in the austral summer of 1999-2000. The seismic line was 190 km long, along the Mizuho traverse route from the base camp S16. 160 temporary seismic stations using data loggers were installed. The first arrival times were analyzed by the refraction method. The structure of the upper crust and overlying ice-sheet are revealed down to 7 km from refraction analysis of the first arrival times. A three layered structure is estimated. The first layer with a velocity of 3.8 km/s appears to be ice-sheet. The second layer with a velocity of 6.2 km/s of P-wave velocity is the surface layer of the continental crust. The thickness of this second layer is estimated to be approximately 5 km. The third layer is defined by the P-wave velocity of 6.5 km/s. Its shape of the upper interface is not declared. The topography of the basement determined from seismic refraction matches well with that determined from ice-radar sounding except for a small difference in the estimated depth of the basement. Two abrupt changes of the second layer depth are found near shot S-1 and shot S-4. The former includes a velocity change in the second layer. The latter discontinuity corresponds to the echo-less points of the ice-radar sounding. Velocity changes in the first and second layers are not detected across the latter discontinuity.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
宮町 宏樹
Kanao Masaki
National Institute of Polar Research, Research Organization of Information and Systems, 10-3, Midori
Mikada Hitoshi
Dep. Of Civil And Earth Resources Engineering Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Kanao Masaki
National Institute Of Polar Research
Kanao M
National Inst. Polar Res. Tokyo
Faculty of Science, Kagoshima University
Toda Shigeru
Department of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Education,Aichi University of Education
Tsutsui Tomoki
Faculty of Engineering and Resource Science, Akita University
Murakami Hiroshi
Technical Center for Seismological Observations
Toda Shigeru
Faculty of Education, Aichi University of Education
Miyamachi Hiroki
Faculty Of Science Kagoshima University
Toda Shigeru
Department Of Earth Sciences Faculty Of Education Aichi University Of Education
Tsutsui Tomoki
Faculty Of Engineering And Resource Science Akita University
Kanao Masaki
National Insitute Of Polar Research
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- 1. Outline of field observations during 1997-1998(Glaciological Data Collected by the 38th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1997-1998)
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- 35. 十勝岳火山噴火活動に伴う地震波の小規模アレイによる観測(日本火山学会1989年春季大会)
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- 桜島火山における高密度重力測定
- 34. 十勝岳広域地震観測 : 十勝支庁北部の群発地震活動(日本火山学会1989年春季大会)
- Crustal structure in and around the region of the 1995 Kobe Earthquake deduced from a wide-angle and refraction seismic exploration
- 5. Surface meteorological data during oversnow traverses(Glaciological Data Collected by the 38th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1997-1998)
- 4. Snow temperature data at Dome Fuji Station(Glaciological Data Collected by the 38th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1997-1998)
- 3. Surface snow density along the traverse route(Glaciological Data Collected by the 38th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1997-1998)
- 2. Net accumulation of snow(Glaciological Data Collected by the 38th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition during 1997-1998)
- Gravity Observations along the traverse routes from Syowa Station to Dome Fuji Station, East Antarctica
- 67B. エアガンを用いたFan shooting法による磐梯山周辺地域の地殻構造探査(日本火山学会1989年春季大会)
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- 地震波動シミュレーションのための鹿児島県北西部における3次元速度構造モデル
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- 38A. 十勝岳の火山性地震の分類と特性(日本火山学会1989年秋季大会)
- A38 十勝岳の火山性地震の分類と特性
- A37 十勝岳の爆発的噴火とその後の活動
- 5P. DR方式地震観測システムによる十勝岳噴火地震・微動の観測(日本火山学会1989年春季大会)
- 3P. 十勝岳における爆発的噴火の発生過程に関する研究(1)(日本火山学会1989年春季大会)
- 33. 十勝岳の爆発的噴火に先駆して発生する低周波地震群(日本火山学会1989年春季大会)
- 北海道の火山およびその周辺地域における精密重力測定
- A27 雲仙火山地域における噴火前後の精密重力測定
- 1988-1989年十勝岳噴火活動における国立大学共同観測 : 特集: 十勝岳1988〜1989年噴火
- A3-06 海底地震観測による桜島火山周辺海域の微小地震活動(火山地殻変動・地震,口頭発表)
- A2-19 桜島におけるACROSS観測可能性の検討(火山の構造と内部変動,口頭発表)
- A2-18 アクロスによる桜島火山のマグマ移動検出に向けた能動的アプローチ(火山の構造と内部変動,口頭発表)
- Aftershock observation of the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake by using ocean bottom seismometer network
- A2-12 桜島火山における発破波形の後続相変化の空間分布(桜島火山2,口頭発表)