理解における基礎的理解の位置 : ボルノーが提起する問題点の検討を通して
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In this paper I Intended to clarify the meaning of the concept of das elementare Verstehen" in the understanding theory. Based on the last years work of Dilthey, Bollnow argued the theory of W.Dilthey in his book "Dilthey". Following Bollnow s statement Diltey introdued der objektibe Geist" when he inquired how to understand "das elementare Verstehen". But it raised a question of over simplification. On Dilthey's context he gave a definition of "das elementare Verstehen" a direct understanding of expression and the interpretation of individual vivid life expression. "Das elementare Verstehen" should be understood through "der objektive Geist" based on "Gemeisamkeit". The question is whether "das elementare Verstehen" is individuarl understanding or general understanding. How is relationship between "das elementare Verstehen" and "der objektive Geist"? I found that these questions will indicate the meaning of "das elmentare Verstehen" in the understandingtheory. The main focuses are like following : (1) How argued Dilthey about "das elementare Verstehen"? (2) What were Bollnow's questions? (3) What is the real meaning of "das elementare Verstehen"?
- 奈良女子大学の論文
- ボルノーの時代性と学問的立場
- 理解における基礎的理解の位置 : ボルノーが提起する問題点の検討を通して
- O.F.ボルノーにおける言語と直観 : 言語敵視論への関わりを手がかりにして
- 基礎的知のあり方の記述としての「同行すること」
- ボルノーの解釈学的教育学