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In this paper, I intend to reseach into primary konwledge focusing O.F.Bollnow's study on G.Misch, especialy the concept of "Mitgehen". Bollnow directs his attention to Misch's concept of "Mitgehen" in his later work of "Studien zur Hermeneutik". Misch learned this concept from W.Dilthey's "Fortgezogenwerden", and we found Misch's originarity in his change of thought from "Fortgezpgenwerden" to "Mitgehen". Based upon this Misch's thought Bollnow locates "Mitgehen" as the description of primary knpwledge. I would like to clarify educational meaning of primary knowledge, focusing Bollnow's thought concerned with "Mitgehen. This paper argues the following pointes. (1) The relation between "Studien zur Hermeneutik" and Bollnow's study on Misch (2) Bollow's understanding of "Mitgehen" (3) Misch's understanding of "Mitgehen" (4) The changing process of thought from "Fortgezogenwerden" to "Mitgehen" issued from the critical comparison of Bollnow and Misch (5) The contribution of the changing process of thought from "Fortgezogenwerden" to "Mitgehen" to the understanding of the development of human beings
- 奈良女子大学の論文
- ボルノーの時代性と学問的立場
- 理解における基礎的理解の位置 : ボルノーが提起する問題点の検討を通して
- O.F.ボルノーにおける言語と直観 : 言語敵視論への関わりを手がかりにして
- 基礎的知のあり方の記述としての「同行すること」
- ボルノーの解釈学的教育学