- 論文の詳細を見る
Nowadays, hesitation and anxiety on writing which might be a kind of fear exists in from elementary school to university students, and expressions from uniform viewpoints are often used. For practical language education, children eager for a simple result whether they are right or wrong and they give up the process to face themselves in front of and compare their inside with the literature written in the textbook. The present situation is that we cannot find the subject for expression. What is happening on people (children) for writing? What is the problem today? I would like to search how writing itself is related with the formation of a character. Subjects I could think for the education of language is to creat the ability to find a living language, to release the inside of the children, to train their sensibility and understanding, and to teach that language could be power for living. However, there is a large barrier in front of them. That is the ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. There is a test for language understanding in the entrance examination. This 'test is really uniform. Children do not read the literature by their own sensitivity and feeling with imagination, but they have to read it within the frame built by the person who made the question and as he intended. Especially, for a question selecting the right answer among given answers, children do not read the sentence as a literature but are forced to read it within a hoop. Therefore, children have to make themselves have nothing in their mind and their sensitivity as close as possible to that of the person who made the question. The same problem exists for the test of writing (writing a short paper) in the entrance examination. The technique of adjusting ones expression with the restrictions of the question becomes the point for the answer, and the motif of expression for children is thought as unimportant in the entrance examination. Since the situation is like mentioned above, the recognition is disappearing among children today that they are themselves the subject for expression and living. However, reading is, in its true meaning, essentially to capture their mind, to create the second realistic or the truth within the realistic, and even to decide the way of living. We could activate our inside by reading like mentioned above, and the old uniform is thrown away and a new individual appears when the activated person writes a sentence. Namely, by activating ones mind, performing a creative thought, and overcoming ones individual, a new individual appears. Human being is an individual facing from their birth in front of a subject of how to live and must cultivate an ability within itself to make its own way out and chose how to live by itself. During the experience of reading a literature and expressing ones feelings, an endless communication with others in the literature and an internal communication with ones inside which is reading the literature are performed. Human being achieve the ability to create a character by itself during this kind of communication. The true purpose of education is to question ones way of living through communication with the literature and grow up children which have an ability for self education, and now the education of literature for children to recover their lively words is sought.
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