<論文>大学生の過去のいじめ被害経験とその後遺症の研究 : 対人恐怖心性との関わり
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This study attempted to clarify the lasting effects of past victimization experiences (being bullied by peers) and its relationship to anthropophobic tendencies. Questionnaires were administered to college students to determine whether or not having peer victimization experiences resulted in lasting effects, and if so, how these effects correlated with anthropophobic tendencies. According to these results, students who have experienced bullying do have long-lasting effects to suffer from various physica1,behavioral, social and psychological symptoms. In addition, students who have experienced peer victimization have stronger anthropophobic tendencies than do others. However, those students who regarded themselves as having become more patient by having been bullied did not have stronger anthropophobic tendencies. Therefore, this study suggests that those who see themselves as having gained something positive from being bullied will experiences less maladjustment. These results were applied to the model of Sedikides (1992), which explains that depression caused by bullying produces momentary negative self-evaluation, which in turn creates uncertainty about one's self-worth. This instigates self-perception processes that result in heightened self-focused attention. This self-forcused attention will result in producing the anthropophobic tendency.
- 1999-03-20
内藤 徹
内藤 徹
若林 慎一郎
石橋 佐枝子
鹿野 輝三
石橋 佐枝子
鹿野 輝三
- 大学生の過去のいじめ被害経験とその後遺症の研究 : 対人恐怖心性との関わり
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