- 論文の詳細を見る
This review deals with the investigations of CR in fetus and infants in the first year of life. Although the restricted data so far available do not justify any extensive generalizations, one may, in summary, say that investigations of CR in fetus and infants in the first year of life have shown that : (1) the possibility of prenatal CR is not yet established; (2) although newborn infants may be conditioned, the CRs are often lacking in stability; (3) the major findings of the CR experiments on infants in the first year of life are as follows : a) the stability of CR is higher in infants in the first year of life than in newborn infants; b) the formation of differential CR is possible, but even stable differential CR shows much fluctuation by some factors; and there are large individual differences; c) auditory CRs are formed earlier than visual CRs after birth; d) the forming of CRs and their stability depend on the maturity of the corresponding fields of the brain, and are connected with the age of the child rather than the number of reinforcements of CR; and, furthermore it may be said that these are connected with the developmental age rather than the chronological age : e) the conditioned sucking reaction is dependent upon existence of hunger; f) continued presentation of the paried stimuli may lead to a decrement in the frequency of CRs; g) the curve of extinction for CR approximates a mirror image of the curve of acquisition; h) there are three periods in the development of CRs.
- 1962-11-20
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