Recent Activities on JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- 論文の詳細を見る
The JIPP T-IIU, upgraded from JIPP T-II in FY 1982,is a mediumsize tokamak with major radius 91-93cm, plasma radius 23-25cm of circular cross section, and the maximum toroidal magnetic field 3T. The device has mainly been used for the studies of non-inductive current start-up by means of lower hybrid wave (LHW) and ion cyclotron range of frequency (ICRF) heating including ion Bernstein wave (IBW) heating. A typical set of device and plasma parameters are listed in Table 1,and a plan view of the device with heating and diagnostics is shown in Fig.1. By an injection of LHW into a cold and low density plasma produced by electron cyclotron resonance discharge, a plasma current is initiated and raised to a quasi-stationary value of about 20 kA with a certain characteristic time. The current rise time is found to be inversely proportional to the bulk electron density and to agree with the collision time of high energy electrons (T_<et> ∿ 30keV) with the bulk plasma. In the current rising phase the bulk electrons are rapidly heated to over 100eV by a return current of the bulk electrons. This electron heating has been evaluated from a time history of oxygen lines of various ionization states, and proved consistent with the results from Thomson scattering. The influx of impurities and the growth of m = 2 mode are serious problems to be solved when high power ICRF heating is carried out on a tokamak plasma. A strong gas-puffing and an additional rise of plasma current have been applied during an ICRF heating (D_2 + H_2 minority) to overcome these difficulties. A significant reduction has been observed in the influx of heavy impurities (Fe) as well as light impurities (C, O). It is regarded that the radial profiles of electron temperature and density and plasma current density are controlled favorably by this combination of the gas puffing and the current rise. Ion Bernstein wave heating, a new heating scheme, has been applied using a loop antenna with an rf-current component parallel to the toroidal confining magnetic field (Nagoya Type III Coil). A toroidal field of 1.8T is chosen so that the rf frequency of 40MHz be the third harmonic of ^4He cyclotron resonance at the center of the hydrogen plasma column. An efficient heating has been observed in perpendicular temperature (ΔT_<i⊥> ∿ 600eV) from an energy analysis of charge-exchanged fast neutrals, while rather moderate increase in parallel temperature which is regarded closer to the bulk ion temperature. Here a forbidden line 974.8 A of FeXVIII has been utilized in obtaining ion temperature since the intensity of this line is sensitive to the proton temperature. The result agrees with T_<i⊥> from the fast neutral energy analysis. Besides these spectroscopic works related to JIPP T-IIU experimental program, Plasma Spectroscopy Group and Plasma Diagnostics Group in the Institute have been making their own works such as a calibration of VUV system, X-ray spectroscopy on vacuum spark plasmas, Li beam probe spectroscopy, and laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy.
- 核融合科学研究所の論文
Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Jipp T-iiu
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Fujita Junji
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Institute of Plama Physics, Nagoya University
- Plasma Diagnostics Using Charge Exchange Spectroscopy on the JIPP T-IIU Tokamak : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- Characteristics of a Channel Electron Multiplier for Detection of Positive Ion
- Plasma Heating Experiments Due to Large Amplitude Ion Cyclotron Waves
- Thermal Characteristics of a Metal-Film Bolometer
- Radiation Loss and Impurity Abundance during ICRF Heating in the JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Characteristics of the Detectors for Bolometric Measurement in Application to High Temperature Plasma
- Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Electron Cyclotron Emission from JIPP T-II Torus
- Observation of Mode-Converted Ion Bernstein Wave by an HCN Laser Scattering
- Application of a Schottky Barrier Diode Mixer to a 118.8 μm Laser lnterferometer
- Measurement of Small-Scale Density Fluctuation in JIPP T-II Plasma by Millimeter and Sub-Millineter Wave Scattering
- Recent Activities on JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Spectroscopic Measurement of Electron Temperature during Lower Hybrid Current Startup in JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Impurity Control by Additional Current Rise and Gas Puffing during ICRF Heating in JIPP T-IIU Tokamak
- Reflection of keV Light Particles from Random Solidsby Modified Single-Collision Model
- Comparison of 35 GHz Microwave Reflection Probe Method with 150 GHz Microwave Interferometry
- X-Ray Spectra from H-,He-and Li-Like Iron Ions in a Vacuum Spark Plasma
- Curved Crystal Spectrometer with Position-Sensitive Solid-State Detector for Plasma Diagnostics
- Characteristics of Concave Curved Crystals for X-Ray Diagnostics of High-Temperature Plasma
- 10 Channel Grating Polychromator for the Measurements of Electron Cyclotron Emission : Nuclear Science, Plasmas and Electric Discharges
- 10 Channel Grating Polychromator for the Measurements of Electron Cyclotron Emission
- New Lens System Using Toroidal Magnetic Field for Intense Ion Beam
- New Lens System Using Toroidal Magnetic Field for Intense Ion Beam
- Production of Fast Neutral Lithium Beam for High Temperature Plasma Probing
- Space-Resolved Measurement of Electron Density by Neutral Li Beam Probing in NBT
- Measurement of the Magnetic Field in a Plasma Using an Impurity Probe Spectroscopy
- The Hydrogen Balmer-α Line Profile in RF-Discharge Plasmas
- Cross Sections for One-Electron Capture by Highly Stripped Ions of Be,B,and C from H_2 and Ar below 10 keV
- A High Resolution Echelle Mortochrornator and Its Application to Ion Temperature Measurement of He Plasma
- Millimeter-Wave Photoconductivity and Donor State in N-Type InSb
- Actitivies of the Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University in the Field of Far Infrared Plasma Diagnostics
- Impurity measurements in plasma boundary of JIPP T-II tokamak/stellarator.