Stochastic Acceleration by an Electrostatic Wave near Ion Cyclotron Harmonics
- 論文の詳細を見る
A nonlinear effect of a large amplitude electrostatic wave propagating perpendicularly to a static magnetic field on the motion of an ion is studied. We consider the case where the frequency of the wave ω is sufficiently close to an multiple of the ion cyclotron frequency Ω_i, If the trapping frequency ω_t ≪ Ω_i, most of hot ions (ν_1 > ω/κ_1) are trapped in cells of a phase space separated by separatrices. However it is found that the trapping motion is influenced by periodic forces. These forces lead to randomization of the trapping motion near the separatrix and ions are expected to be stochastically accelerated. In order to confirm the results, numerical calculations are carried out.
- 核融合科学研究所の論文
Research Information Center, Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Fukuyama Atsushi
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University:department Of Electronics
Itatani Ryohei
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University:department Of Electronics
Research Information Center, Institute of Plasma Physics, Nagoya University
Momota Hiromu
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Momota Hiromu
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University:department Of Electronics
Momota Hiromu
Department Of Electromics Kyoto University
Itatani Ryohei
Department Of Electromics Kyoto University
Itatani Ryohei
Research Information Center Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
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