<研究報告>小笠原諸島の蘚苔類 (5)
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An enumeration of the mosses of the Bonin and Valcano Islands includes 47 genera and 82 species. Among them 25 species are first reports for these islands. Calymperes boninense IWATS. is newly described. Taxithelium oblongifolium (SULL. et LESQ.) IWATS. is new to the known moss flora of Japan. Hypnum eximium SULL. et LESQ. was reduced to the synonymy of Ectropothecium zollingeri (C. MUELL.) JAEG. Only four species are known to be endemic to these islands.
- 国立科学博物館の論文
- 1985-06-22
- 蘚苔類レッドリスト, 2007年版
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