Studies on Digestibility and Physical Characteristics of Particles in Feces of Cattle Given Hays of Several Species
Oura R
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
Hai Jin
Department Of Beef Production Livedtock Experiment Station Of Tottori Prefecture
Oura Ryozo
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Sekine Junjiro
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Oura Ryozo
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
Hai Jin
United Graduate School of Veterinary Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Sudo Tetsuya
Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University
Sekine J
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
Sekine Junjiro
Department Of Animal Husbandry Faculty Of Agriculture Hokkaido University
Sudo Tetsuya
Department Of Animal Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tottori University
- A Study on the Degradability of Chitin and Chitosan in the Rumen of Sheep Given Italian Ryegress Hay Ad Libitum
- Effects of Hay Quality on Feed Intake and Particle Size Distribution of Digesta in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Sheep
- Investigation of Ovarian Follicular Population in Indigenous Barotse Cows of Zambia
- The Possibility on the Early Diagnosis of Freemartin by the Sex Chromatin in Neutrophil Leucocytes of Cattle
- A Consideration on the Prediction of Productive Performance of Dairy Cows by Quantitative Characteristics of Sex Chromatin
- Effect of Ambient Temperature on Water Consumption in Growing Calves
- Water Economy in Ruminants : Ⅳ. Effects of Feed Intakes on Water Consumption and Balance
- Water Economy in Ruminants : Ⅲ. Drinking Water Consumption in Growing Calves on Dry Feed
- Water Economy in Ruminants : Ⅱ. Drinking Water Consumption in the Course of Suckling and Weaning Periods
- Effect of a Sudden Change in Feeding of Forages with DifferentQualities on Dry-Matter Intake and Behavioral Pattern of Sheep
- A Study on Changes in the Blood Vitamin A and Cortisol Levels and Behavioral Pattern of Fattening Japanese Black Steers
- A Determination of Bulk Density of Eight Kinds of Forage
- A Preliminary Study on the Method for in situ Incubation of Chitosan in the Rumen of Steers
- Nitrogen Balance and Urinary Nitrogen Concentration in Growing Calves
- Studies on Digestibility and Physical Characteristics of Particles in Feces of Cattle Given Hays of Several Species
- A Consideration on Factors Limiting Forage Intake of Ruminants
- A Consideration on the Digestibility of Crude Protein and Fiber Fraction of Diverse Hays Given to Sheep
- Changes with Time after Feeding in Distribution of Nirtogen in the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Sheep fed Orchardgrass Hay Once a Day
- Changes with Time after Feeding in Distribution of Feed Particles in the Gastrointestinal Tracts of Sheep fed Orchardgrass First Cut Hay
- Particle Size of the Rumen Content and Feces Measured by Image Data Analyzing System
- Effect of Supplementation of Prolactin to Culture Medium on the in vitro Fertilization of Bovine Oocyte
- Changes with the Season in the Number of the Erythrocytes Invaded by Theileria sergenti and Packed Cell Volume of the Blood of Grazing Cattle
- An Evaluation of the Nutritive Value of the Silage Made with the Pulp Obtained from Japanese Pear (NIJISSEIKI) Juice Production
- Effects of pH of Culture Medium and the Temperature during Transportation of the Ovary on the In Vitro Fertilization of Bovine Oocyte
- Studies on Digestion Physiology of Herbivorous Feral Animals : II. The Comparison of Intake of Total Digestible Nutrients among Diverse Sizes of Ruminantand Monogastric Animals
- A Preliminary Study on Alimentary Behaviour of Japanese Black Calves in the Suckling Period
- A survey on Population Density of Tick,Haemaphysalis Longicornis Found in Cattle Grazed on Pastures at Different Sites
- Effect of Fasting on the Flow Rate and Quantity of Digesta Dry Matter in the Alimentary Tract of Goats
- Studies on Digestion Physiology of Herbivorous Feral Animals : I. Nutrients Digestibility of Ruminants and Monogastric Animals
- A Relationship between Dry Matter and Crude Protein Digestibilities of Grass and Legume Hays and their Digestion Kinetics in the Rumen of Sheep
- Water Economy in Ruminants : Ⅰ. Water consumption and water turn-over in growing calves
- The Effect of Age and Intake Level on Nutrients Digestibilities of 6-Week-Weaned Calves
- A Study on Hay Utilization by 6-Week-Weanced Calves at the Age up to 25 Weeks
- Determination of Optimal Working Conditions for Measurement of the Strength of Feed Particles to Resist Grinding by the Planet Ball Mill
- Effect of Hyena Disease in Cattle on Digestive Efficiency
- Effects of Levels and Kinds of Roughage on the Density and Composition of Rumen Microorganisms of Fattening Steers
- Comparative Morphological Studies on Digestion Physiology of Herbivores : II. Size and Distribution of Particles of Digesta in Large and Small Ruminants
- Comparative Morphorogical Studies on Digestion Physiology of Herbivores : I. Digestibility and Particle Distribution of Digesta and Feces of Domestic andFeral Animals
- Effects of Ratio of Concentrate to Roughage and Kinds of Hay in a Ration on Digestion Kinetics of Fibrous and Soluble Plant Materials in the Rumen
- Effects of Ratio of Concentrate to Roughage and Kinds of Hay in a Ration on the Degradation of Crude Protein in the Rumen
- Changes in the Electrical Resistance of the Vaginal Mucous Membrane and the Rectal Temperature during the Oestrous Cycle of Cattle
- Effect of Age in Month on the Level of Serum Alkaline Phosphatase Activity of Japanese Black Steers
- Preliminary Study on the Utilization of Fibrous and Soluble Plant Materials in the Rumen
- Effect of Concentrate Fed over 80% of a Ration on Ruminal Ciliates of Fattening Steers
- A Study on Mineral Status and the Ruminal pH of Japanese Black Steers Fed High Levels of Concentrate
- Changes in Ruminal Volatile Fatty Acids and Microflora of Fattening Steers Fed Concentrate from 50 to 90% in a Ration
- Body Water Compartments of Growing Dairy Calves
- Changes in the Population of the Ruminal Ciliated Protozoa for Fattening Japanese Black Steers Fed High Level of Concentrate