危機的状況の早期把握 : 重症心身障害児の母親と関わる看護師の技術
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重症心身障害児の母親が抱えている悩みや困難を,看護師がどのように把握しようとするのか,具体的な技術を明らかにすることを目的に,障害児の専門病院や訪問看護ステーションで働く,臨床経験10年以上の看護師19名に半構成的インタビュー調査を実施した.その結果,重症心身障害児の母親の《口にしない辛さ》に働きかけ,《辛い思いの打ち明け》に導く【危機的状況の早期把握】という現象が明らかになった.この現象の中で看護師は,《感受性を高めた観察》,《何かあることの察知》,《関わり方の判断》,《気持ちが語られる関わり》という4つの技術を用いていた.これらの技術は危険な状態にある母親を早期に把握するために重要な技術であることが示唆された.To determine the specific nursing skills necessary for nurses to grasp the difficulties and worries of mothers of children with severe motor and intellectual disabilities, semi-structured interviews were conducted on 19 nurses with the clinical experience of 10 years or more working in visiting nurse stations or special hospitals for the disabled children. The findings brought to our attention a phenomenon termed as "early recognition of critical situation", which prompted nurses to encourage "confession of sufferings" of mothers by getting involved with their "unexpressed sufferings". In the analyses of this phenomenon, four nursing skills were applied : “observation with heightened sensitivity" ; "perception of something hidden" ; "judgment of proper involvement" ; "involvement for urging frank expression of feelings". The findings suggested that such nursing skills were essential for the early recognition of mothers in a critical condition.
- 2011-03-31
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- 危機的状況の早期把握 : 重症心身障害児の母親と関わる看護師の技術
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