辛さを口にしない母親 : 重症心身障害児に関わる看護師が捉えた母親の状況とその援助
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重症心身障害児に関わる看護師が,在宅で子どもを育てる母親の状況をどのように捉え,その状況に対してどのように関わったのかを明らかにすることを目的に,障害児の専門病院や訪問看護ステーションで働く,臨床経験10年以上の看護師19名にインタビュー調査を実施し,質的帰納的に分析を行った.その結果,看護師は母親が何らかの問題を抱えていても《辛さを口にしない母親》のように見え,その理由として,母親が〈余裕のない生活〉,〈気持ちの閉じ込め〉,〈負担や責任の抱え込み〉のいずれかの状況にあると捉えていた.そして,看護師はそれぞれの状況に応じて〈時間の調整〉,〈あえて関心を向けない関わり〉,〈一歩踏み込んだ関わり〉を行い,母親を援助しようとしていることが明らかになった.考察では,これらの看護師の関わりの意味を検討した.This study aims to examine how nurses working for severely retarded children view the circumstances of mothers who are nursing their sick children at home and how such nurses become engaged in these circumstances. We conducted an interview survey with 19 nurses who had more than 10 years of clinical experience and work at specialized hospitals for handicapped children or at home visit nursing stations. Thereafter, we performed a qualitative and inductive analysis of survey results. Based on the nurses' observations, results show that mothers "try not to voice their toilsomeness" even though they have some issues because they are "living a stressful life," "holding their feelings back,"or "taking all burdens and responsibilities on themselves.” Additionally, depending on the situation, results show that nurses are trying to assist the mothers by "adjusting their time," "daring not to get involved in their lives," or "creating a slightly deeper relationship with them." The paper also discusses the meaning of such nurse involvement.
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- 危機的状況の早期把握--重症心身障害児の母親と関わる看護師の技術
- 質的研究
- 危機的状況の早期把握 : 重症心身障害児の母親と関わる看護師の技術
- O-02 小児看護学実習の教育効果に関する文献検討(口述発表,第21回日本保健科学学会学術集会)
- 辛さを口にしない母親 : 重症心身障害児に関わる看護師が捉えた母親の状況とその援助
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