Modeling the Effects of Atmospheric Nitrogen Input on Biological Production in the Japan Sea
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Oceanographic Society of Japanの論文
- 2009-06-01
鬼塚 剛
鬼塚 剛
鬼塚 剛
Yanagi Tetsuo
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics (riam) Kyushu University Kasuga-koen
Yoon Jong-hwan
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
National Fisheries University
Uno Itsushi
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
Onitsuka G
Kyushu Univ. Kasuga Jpn
Onitsuka Goh
Department Of Fishery Science And Technology National Fisheries University
Onitsuka Goh
Interdisciplinary Graduate School Of Engineering Sciences Kyusyu University
鬼塚 剛
Yanagi Tetsuo
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics (riam) Kyushu University
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