Numerical simulation of dispersal and on-shore transport of larvae of the ghost shrimp Nihonotrypaea harmandi with special reference to its tidal-flat networks in the Ariake Sound estuarine system(INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM:ECOLOGY OF LARGE BIOTURBATORS IN T
Tamaki Akio
Faculty Of Fisheries Nagasaki University
Yanagi Tetsuo
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics (riam) Kyushu University Kasuga-koen
Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University
Matsuno Takeshi
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics Kyushu University
FUJI-IE Wataru
Department of Earth System Science and Technology, Kyushu University
Fuji-ie Wataru
Department Of Earth System Science And Technology Kyushu University
Yanagi Tetsuo
Research Institute For Applied Mechanics (riam) Kyushu University
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