Nutritional evaluation of rotifers in rearing tanks without water exchange during seed production of amberjack Seriola dumerili
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-05-01
Feed Section, Inland Station, National Research Institute of Aquaculture
FURUITA Hirofumi
Feed Section, Inland Station, National Research Institute of Aquaculture
Yamamoto T
Inland Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Agency
Yamamoto Takeshi
Feed Section Inland Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture
Furuita Hirofumi
Feed Research Group Inland Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Age
Furuita Hirofumi
Fisheries Res. Agency Mie
Stock Enhancement Technology Development Center, National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Fisheri
Marine Biological Technology Center, Nippon Suisan Kaisha
Kagoshima Prefectural Fisheries Technology and Development Center
Shibushi Station, National Center for Stock Enhancement, Fisheries Research Agency
Stock Enhancement Technology Development Center, National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Fisheri
Teruya Kazuhisa
Stock Enhancement Technology Development Center National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries
Furuita H
Feed Research Group Inland Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Age
KAI Isao
Miyazaki Fisheries Promotion Association
Feed Research Group, Inland Station, National Research Institute of Aquaculture, Fisheries Research
Hashimoto Hiroshi
Shibushi Station National Center For Stock Enhancement Fisheries Research Agency
Yamamoto Takeshi
Inland Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Agency
Furuita Hirofumi
Feed Research Group Inland Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Age
Mushiake Keiichi
Stock Enhancement Technology Development Center National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries
Mushiake Keiichi
Headquarters Fisheries Research Agency
Matsunari Hiroyuki
Feed Research Group Inland Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Age
Yamamoto Takeshi
Feed Research Group Inland Station National Research Institute Of Aquaculture Fisheries Research Age
Hara Takashi
Marine Biological Technology Center Nippon Suisan Kaisha
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