Osteoclast-like Giant Cell Tumor of the Pancreas with Metastases to Gallbladder and Lymph Nodes : A Case Report
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1998-08-01
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School, Kochi University
Furihata M
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Taguchi Takahiro
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School Kochi University
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School
Sonobe Hiroshi
Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, National Hospital Organization, Fukuyama Medical Ce
Department of Tumor Pathology, Kochi Medical School
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School
Iwata Jun
高知医科大学 病理
Qiu Yue
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School
Ohtsuki Yuji
Division Of Pathology Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Okada Yuhei
Division Of Pathology Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Sonobe H
Kami Study Group
Sonobe Hiroshi
Department Of Pathology Ii Kochi Medical School
Department of Surgery, Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Chen Bing-kun
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School
LIANG Sheng-Ben
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School
SUN A-Ping
Department of Pathology, Kochi Medical School
OHMORI Katsusuke
Department of Surgery, Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Sun A-ping
Second Department Of Patholody Kochi Medical School
Iwata Jun
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School
Imamura J
Plantech Research Institute
Ohtsuki Y
Division Of Pathology Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Ohtsuki Yuji
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School
Furihata Mutsuo
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School
Takeuchi Tamotsu
Department Of Immunology National Institute Of Neuroscience National Center Of Neurology And Psychia
Liang Sheng-ben
Department Of Pathology Kochi Medical School
Sonobe Hiroshi
Department Of Laboratory Medicine And Pathology Chugoku Central Hospital
Sonobe Hiroshi
Department Of Laboratory Medicine And Pathology National Hospital Organization Fukuyama Medical Cent
Watanabe Ryohei
Department Of Surgery Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
Seo Hiromi
The Section Of Cardiology Department Of Medicine And Gerontology Kochi Medical School
Ohmori Katsusuke
Department Of Surgery Matsuyama-shimin Hospital
SONOBE Hiroshi
Department of Clinical Laboratory, Chugoku Central Hospital of the Mutual Aid Associations of Public School Teachers
Iwata Jun
Department of Diagnostic Pathology, Kochi Health Sciences Center, Japan
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