Identification of cachexia-inducible Hop stunt viroid variants in citrus orchards in Japan using biological indexing and improved reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-12-01
Ito Takao
Department Of Anatomy And Cell Biology Wakayama Medical University
Furuta Takane
Biotechnological Research Division Hiroshima Prefectural Agriculture Research Center
Isaka Masahiro
Yamato Post-entry Quarantine Center Yokohama Plant Protection Station
ITO Tsutae
Department of Apple Research, National Institute of Fruit Tree Science
IDE Yoichi
Saga Fruit Tree Experiment Station
Biotechnological Research Division, Hiroshima Prefectural Agriculture Research Center
Kaneyoshi Junko
Biotechnological Research Division Hiroshima Prefectural Agriculture Research Center
Ito Tsutae
Department Of Apple Research National Institute Of Fruit Tree Science
Ito Tsutae
National Inst. Fruit Tree Sci. Morioka Jpn
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