Cervical Approach for Resection of a Pedunculated Giant Atypical Lipomatous Tumor of the Esophagus
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2007-02-01
Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Department of Pathology, Akita University School of Medicine
Ogawa Jun-ichi
Department Of Surgery Akita University
Okuyama Manabu
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Akita University Graduate School Of Medicine
Motoyama Satoru
Department Of Surgery Akita University
Sato Yusuke
Department of Applied Chemistry, Muroran Institute of Technology
Ogawa Jun-ichi
Second Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Sato Yusuke
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Akita University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nanjo Hiroshi
Division of Clinical Pathology, Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
Department of Biochemistry, Akita University School of Medicine
Motoyama Satoru
Department Of Emergency And Critical Care Medicine Akita University School Of Medicine
Nanjo Hiroshi
Division Of Clinical Pathology Akita University Graduate School Of Medicine
Nanjo Hiroshi
Department Of Clinical Pathology Akita University School Of Medicine Hondo
Hayashi Kaori
Department Of Biochemistry Akita University School Of Medicine
Maruyama Kiyotomi
Department Of Surgery Akita University
Maruyama Kiyotomi
Second Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Sasaki Kenji
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Akita University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sasaki Kenji
Department Of Bioindustrial Informatics And Genomics Graduate School Of Agricultural Science Tohoku
Sato Yusuke
Department Of Applied Chemistry Muroran Institute Of Technology
Ogawa Jun-ichi
Department of Chest Surgery, Akita University Hospital and Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
Motoyama Satoru
Department of Chest Surgery, Akita University Hospital and Akita University Graduate School of Medicine
Nanjo Hiroshi
Department of Chemical Engineering, Yamagata University
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