<Original Article>A Novel Method of Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping Using Magnetite in Patients with Thoracic Esophageal Cancer
斉藤 礼次郎
NAKAMURA Masakatsu
Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Imano Hiroshi
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Ogawa Jun-ichi
Department Of Surgery Akita University
Okuyama Manabu
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Akita University Graduate School Of Medicine
Motoyama Satoru
Department Of Surgery Akita University
Ogawa Jun-ichi
Second Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Surgery, Akita University School of Medicine
Sato Mineyoshi
Akita University Hospital
IMANO Hiroshi
Akita University School of Medicine
SAITO Reijiro
Akita University School of Medicine
KATAYOSE Yoshihisa
Akita University School of Medicine
Akita University School of Medicine
NAKAMURA Masakatsu
Akita University School of Medicine
Akita University School of Medicine
MINAMIYA Yoshihiro
Akita University School of Medicine
Akita University School of Medicine
Akita University School of Medicine
ENOMOTO Katsuhiko
Akita University School of Medicine
Akita University Hospital
UEDA Tomoaki
Kansai Research Institute
OGAWA Jun-ichi
Kansai Research Institute
Nakamura Masakatsu
Department Of Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
Katayose Yoshihisa
Department Of Surgery Akita University
Minamiya Yoshihiro
Department Of Surgery Division Of Thoracic Surgery Akita University School Of Medicine
- 1973 卵巣癌・巨大肝転移に対して肝切除を行った1例(転移性肝癌1,一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- P-1-108 過去5年間の閉鎖孔ヘルニア症例の検討(ヘルニア3,一般演題(ポスター),第62回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- V-2-72 有茎空腸を用いた高位胸腔内吻合による食道再建術の工夫とコツ(食道2,一般演題(ビデオ),第63回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- P-3-97 骨盤内髄外性形質細胞腫切除後に顕在化した多発性骨髄腫の1例(腹膜・後腹膜 腫瘍2,一般演題(ポスター),第62回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- V-13-5 胃切後食道癌に対する空腸を用いた鏡視下高位胸腔内吻合による食道再建術(食道1,ビデオセッション13,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 肺転移からみた大腸がん術後フォローアップ法の検討(大腸23, 第60回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- OP-3-068 当院における胸腔鏡下食道切除術68例の予後および再発形式の検討(食道6)
- P-125 胸郭出口症候群に対する胸腔鏡下胸部交感神経切除術の経験(一般示説19 胸腔鏡手術,世界をリードする呼吸器外科医に!,第23回日本呼吸器外科学会総会)
- VD-002-1 後縦隔経路再建胃管癌に対する治療戦略(第107回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- II-16.A3食道癌に対する術前治療の成績とその評価(第53回日本食道疾患研究会)
- I-21.頸胸境界部食道癌に対する手術治療とその成績(第53回日本食道疾患研究会)
- 人工肺使用下手術にて救命しえた食道癌術後再建胃管気管支瘻の1例
- R-14 喉頭温存梨状窩胃管吻合の1例
- P-72 食道内圧測定を用いた食道切除再建後における上部食道括約筋機能の変化に関する検討
- V-11 大血管走行異常を伴った胸部食道癌に対する切除郭清術式
- O-208 食道切除再建術における頚部吻合と高位胸腔内吻合の術後嚥下機能に関する比較
- 示II-25 食道神経鞘腫の1例
- 示I-27 ECMO使用下手術にて救命しえた食道癌術後胃管気管支瘻の一例
- 示I-21 食道癌術後気管壊死例の検討
- 1321 下咽頭頸部食道癌の手術成績と喉頭合併切除後再建音声の質的評価(下咽頭頸部食道癌,一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 2430 食道癌術後重複癌の早期発見と積極的治療を目指したフォローアップ(重複癌1(上部消化管),一般演題,第61回日本消化器外科学会定期学術総会)
- 腐蝕性食道狭窄に対する手術 (特集 食道良性疾患の手術--適応と手技)
- 胸部中下部食道癌に対する頸部郭清の個別化と頸部リンパ節単独再発例に対する治療戦略(胸部下部食道癌の外科治療はどう変わったか, 第60回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- 食道切除後再建術. 頸部吻合 (手縫い) vs. 胸腔内吻合 (器械吻合)(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 化学放射線療法が著効したB-cell食道悪性リンパ腫の1例
- OP-2-046 胸部中下部食道癌頸部リンパ節単独再発例の分析と術前MRI Lymphatic Mappingによる個別化(食道5)
- R-1 縦隔鏡補助非開胸食道切除術 : クワガタ鈎とライト付き圧排鈎による術野の展開
- II-30. 胸部食道癌術後リンパ節再発切除例の検討(II. 再発食道癌を巡る諸問題)
- Hand-Sewn Cervical Anastomosis Versus Stapled Intrathoracic Anastomosis After Esophagectomy for Middle or Lower Thoracic Esophageal Cancer : A Prospective Randomized Controlled Study
- 食道癌の再発診療に関する最新のデータ (特集 癌診療に役立つ最新データ 2007-2008)
- Long-Term Survival After Salvage Resection of Recurrent Esophageal Cancer with Anterior Mediastinal Lymph Node Involvement : Report of a Case
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Chylothorax after Esophagectomy
- Mesojejunal Lymph Node Metastasis in Esophageal Cancer Following Total Gastrectomy
- Superior Mediastinal and Neck Lymphatic Mapping in Mid- and Lower-Thoracic Esophageal Cancer as Defined by Ferumoxides-enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- 胸部食道癌患者における磁性体を用いた新センチネルリンパ節マッピング法に関する検討
- 胸部食道癌におけるセンチネルリンパ節理論の検討(磁性体を用いた新診断法を用いて)
- 示II-8 食道のいわゆる癌肉腫4例の検討
- 胃切除後食道癌手術症例の臨床病理学的検討
- PSSO1-04 M3, SMI食道癌に対する外科治療戦略
- S10-02 食道癌術後フォローアップシステムの有用性に関する検討
- PP770 食道再建術における吻合方法と術後嚥下機能の相関 : prospective randomized study
- PP746 食道癌手術における自己血輸血の予後からみた優位性
- PP731 高度進行頚胸境界部食道癌に対する手術療法の現状と意義
- II-2-2 Tib(SM)食道癌の手術成績と治療方針(第54回日本食道疾患研究会)
- I-8-5 下部食道胃接合部浸潤癌のリンパ節転移と再発形式の特徴(第54回日本食道疾患研究会)
- PP1749 リンパ節転移を多数有した胸部食道癌長期生存例の検討
- PP1046 食道癌術後再建胃管気道瘻に対する有茎筋弁逢着術 : その治癒過程に関する検討
- PP368 頸椎前方固定術後頸部食道瘻の2治験例
- PL1-5 肝虚血時のミトコンドリア内Bcl-2の変化
- WS9-3 食道癌手術における自己血輸血105例の検討
- WS6-3 食道癌手術における予防的抗菌薬投与法の検討
- PP-299 食道再建術における吻合方法, 吻合部位と術後嚥下機能の相関 : prospective randomized study
- VP-110 気管浸潤頸胸境界部食道癌に対する治療戦略 : 術前化学療法併用, 縦隔気管瘻作成による切除再建術
- PS-080-4 高度侵襲手術後の周術期における肺酸素消費量に関する検討
- 下咽頭癌術後再建皮膚管癌の1例
- A Clinical Study of Surgical Treatment of Patients With Carcinoma of the Cervical Esophagus Extending to the Thoracic Esophagus
- Pleural dissemination of esophageal gastrointestinal stromal tumors after an eight-year interval following the primary surgery
- Elevated High Morbility Group Box Protein 1 on Pathological Findings in Subclinical Interstitial Pneumonia During Early Phase of Thoracic Surgery
- Radio-guided thoracoscopic surgery with ^Tc-methoxy-isobutyl-isonitrile for treating an ectopic mediastinal parathyroid adenoma in an adolescent girl
- Inhibition of heat shock protein 90 sensitizes melanoma cells to thermosensitive ferromagnetic particle-mediated hyperthermia with low Curie temperature
- REG I enhances chemo- and radiosensitivity in squamous cell esophageal cancer cells
- Accuracy of Helical Computed Tomography for the Identification of Lymph Node Metastasis in Resectable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Self-regulating hyperthermia induced using thermosensitive ferromagnetic material with a low Curie temperature
- Cervical Approach for Resection of a Pedunculated Giant Atypical Lipomatous Tumor of the Esophagus
- Giant cell tumor of the sternum
- Laparoscopic Long Esophagomyotomy with Dor's Fundoplication Using a Transhiatal Approach for an Epiphrenic Esophageal Diverticulum
- Successful Surgical Treatment for Diffuse Esophageal Spasm
- Mediastinal Neurofibroma Originating from the Left Intrathoracic Phrenic Nerve : Report of a Case
- Soluble and Cell-Associated Forms of Some Yet to be Identified Factor in Transfused Blood Which Promotes Solid Tumor Growth in Mice
- Simultaneous Esophagectomy and Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Without Cardiopulmonary Bypass : Report of a Case
- Pseudoangiomatous Stromal Hyperplasia (PASH) of the Mammary Gland : Report of a Case
- OP-1-178 胸部食道癌における磁性体を用いたMRI lymphatic mappingの検討
- Expression of Tissue Factor mRNA and Invasion of Blood Vessels by Tumor Cells in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- A Novel Method of Sentinel Lymph Node Mapping Using Magnetite in Patients with Thoracic Esophageal Cancer
- FEV1 is a Predictor of the Exercise Limit in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Survival Advantage of Using Autologous Blood Transfusion During Surgery for Esophageal Cancer
- Does Central Venous Pressure Reflect the Circulating Blood Volume for the Decrement of Compliance Just After Esophagectomy?
- Esophageal Cancer Associated with Right Aortic Arch : Report of Two Cases
- Severe Aspiration Pneumonia after Surgery for Reconstructed Gastric Tube Cancer Treated With Extracorporeal Life Support
- Tumor-Derived TGFβ-1 Induces Dendritic Cell Apoptosis in the Sentinel Lymph Node
- SF-036-5 手術侵襲による肺水腫進展への機序
- 手術侵襲による肺障害発生機序の解明
- Connexin26-mediated gap junctional communication reverses the malignant phenotype of MCF-7 breast cancer cells
- 虚血性肝障害の進展機序解明とその制御
- Survival Advantage Provided by Using Autologous Blood Transfusion During Surgery
- Cancer of the Gastric Tube Reconstructed Through the Posterior Mediastinal Route After Radical Surgery for Esophageal Cancer
- Postoperative Lung Volume Calculated by Chest Computed Tomography in Patients With Esophageal Cancer
- 頸部〜頸胸境界部食道癌に対する手術治療法の検討 : 術後発声機能温存・再建手術を中心として
- Malignant fibrous histiocytoma originating from the thymus
- Diminished Numbers of Natural Killer Cells in the Sentinel Lymph Nodes of Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
- Chronic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use suppresses multiple CpG islands hyper methylation (CIHM) of tumor suppressor genes in the human gastric mucosa
- Association of endoscopic appearances with dyspeptic symptoms
- Toll-like receptor 2-196 to 174del polymorphism influences the susceptibility of Japanese people to gastric cancer
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- Late-onset chylothorax after pulmonary resection for lung cancer
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- Tumoral CRP expression in thoracic esophageal squamous cell cancers is associated with poor outcomes
- Postoperative bronchial stump fistula after lobectomy : response to occlusion with polyglycolic acid mesh and fibrin glue via bronchoscopy
- 薬物のシークエンシャル治療,rechallengeの戦略 (特集 分子標的薬時代開幕5年目を迎えた進行腎癌の治療戦略の現状と展望)