Gallium-67 demonstration of extensive soft-tissue involvement of multiple myeloma
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-02-01
Department of Radiation Oncology, Gunma University Graduate school of Medicine
井上 優介
放射線医学総合研究所 医学物理
本田 憲業
町田 喜久雄
本田 憲業
本田 憲業
高橋 卓
HONDA Norinari
Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
INOUE Yusuke
Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo
Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
町田 喜久雄
埼玉総合医療センター 放射線科
Kashimada Akio
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
Machida Kikuo
Machida K
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
Hosono Makoto
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical University
Hosono Makoto
Hosono Makoto
Department Of Radiology Kinki University School Of Medicine
Osada Hisato
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical University
Hosono Makoto
Department Of Pet Kinki University School Of Medicine
Hosono Makoto
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
Hosono Masako
Department Of Radiology Osaka City University Graduate School Of Medicine
Machida Kikuo
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
Honda N
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical University
Honda Norinari
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
OHNO Hitoshi
Department of Hematology, Takeda General Hospital
Ohno Hitoshi
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
Ohno Hitoshi
Department Of Hematology And Oncology Graduate School Of Medicine Kyoto University
Inoue Y
Department Of Radiology Institute Of Medical Science University Of Tokyo
Inoue Yusuke
Department Of Radiology Institute Of Medical Science University Of Tokyo
OHTAWA Nobuyuki
Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
YAMANO Takafumi
Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
Department of Radiology, Saitama Medical Center, Saitama Medical School
Takahashi Taku
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical University
Osada Hisato
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
鹿島田 明夫
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
Takahashi Takeo
Department Of Radiation Oncology Gunma University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tamaki Tomoaki
Dep. Of Radiation Oncology Gunma Univ. Graduate School Of Medicine
Hosono Makoto
Division Of Positron Emission Tomography Institute Of Advanced Clinical Medicine Kinki University Sc
Ohno Hitoshi
Department Of Hematology And Oncology Clinical Sciences For Pathological Organs Graduate School Of M
Takahashi Takeo
Department Of Anesthesiology Sapporo Medical College And Hospital
Yamano Takafumi
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical University
Ohtawa Nobuyuki
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical School
Yamano Takafumi
Department Of Otorhinolaryngology Faculty Of Medicine Fukuoka University
Takahashi Takeo
Department Of Radiology Saitama Medical Center Saitama Medical University
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- High-dose-rate Interstitial Brachytherapy with Computed Tomography-based Treatment Planning for Patients with Locally Advanced Uterine Cervical Carcinoma
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- Dose Volume Analysis of Radiotherapy for Inoperable Patients with Stage I-II Endometrial Carcinoma
- Blood Flow Change Quantification in Cervical Cancer before and during Radiation Therapy Using Perfusion CT
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