Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Drag-Reducing Trimethylolethane Solution and Suspension by Cationic Surfactant
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Phase-change slurry is a promising fluid for a district heating and cooling system. In this work, hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics of drag reducing trimethylolethane (TME: CH3C(CH2OH)3) solution and suspension by cationic surfactant were studied. Oleyl bishydroxyethyl methyl ammonium chloride (trade name: Ethoquad O/12) was used as the surfactant, while sodium salicylate (NaSal) as counter-ion. Two kinds of experiments were conducted, namely pressure drop/friction factor and heat transfer measurements. From friction factor measurements, it is found that surfactant can induce drag reduction (DR) in TME solution/suspension. It is also found that TME molecule reduces the DR capability. From heat transfer measurement, it is found that surfactant induces heat transfer reduction (HTR) in TME solution and suspension. It is also revealed that Colburn analogy cannot be applied for TME suspension or drag-reducing TME solution and suspension. By using a correction factor for the Colburn analogy, application of the analogy for the drag-reducing TME solution is improved. At low velocity, HTR is higher than the DR, but at high velocity (just before DR is lost) both HTR and DR are nearly the same.
- 社団法人 化学工学会の論文
- 2006-06-01
KOMODA Yoshiyuki
Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University
Suzuki Hiroshi
Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences The University Of Tokyo
薄井 洋基
Usui Hiromoto
Dep. Of Chemical Sci. And Engineering Kobe Univ.
薄井 洋基
Usui Hiromoto
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Chemical Engineering Yamaguchi University
Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kobe University
Department of Chemical Science and Engineering, Kobe University
Komoda Yoshiyuki
Department Of Chemical Science And Engineering Kobe University
Komoda Yoshiyuki
Department Of Chemical Science And Engineering Graduate School Of Engineering Science Osaka Universi
Indartono Yuli
Graduate School Of Science And Technology Kobe University
Komoda Yoshiyuki
Dep. Of Chemical Sci. And Engineering Kobe Univ.
Suzuki Hiroshi
Department Of Chemical Science And Engineering Kobe University
Suzuki H
Department Of Chemical Science And Engineering Kobe University
SUZUKI Hiroshi
Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University
SUZUKI Hiroshi
Graduate School of Computer Science and System Engineering Kyushu Institute of Technology
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