- 論文の詳細を見る
It is necessary to generate a stable vacuum field for calibration of vacuum gauges by direct comparison with a reference gauge. According to ISO/TS 3536, it is required that the pressure indicated by the gauges shall be stable over time so that it dose not change more than 0.5% for time period of 2.5 min. In this study, three methods to generate a vacuum filed, namely, by using a variable leak valve, a mass flow controller and a combination in a capillary with a pressure controller, are evaluated from the viewpoint of both the stability and dynamic range of generated pressure. The vacuum field generated by a combination in a capillary with a pressure controller is the most stable of the three methods and satisfied the ISO/TS 3536 requirement over the range from 3.1×10-4 to 4.8 Pa. This method is effective to generate a stable vacuum field for calibration of vacuum gauge.
- 日本真空協会の論文
- 2006-03-20
平田 正紘
秋道 斉
吉田 肇
新井 健太
小松 栄一
小松 栄一
(独)産業技術総合研究所 計測標準研究部門
新井 健太
独立行政法人 産業技術総合研究所 計測標準研究部門
吉田 肇
(独)産業技術総合研究所 計測標準研究部門
秋道 斉
(独)産業技術総合研究所 計測標準研究部門
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