Where does male-to-male aggression compromise cooperation?
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We discuss how the diverse nature of aggression and cooperation can be understood if we focus our attention on where aggression reaches a compromise with non-aggression and/or cooperation in response to the relatedness between interactors. First we address whether Hamiltons rule explains the variation in male-to-male aggressiveness. Next we show that the variation in aggression and cooperation known in males of social spider mites (Saito, Evolution 49:413–417, 1995) can be explained by the change in relatedness (i.e. inclusive fitness) and effect of cooperative defence (synergistic effect). Then we learn that there is a sufficient condition of cooperation, which is determined primarily by two factors: the relatedness and synergistic effect of males. Furthermore, we expect that there is a condition where the aggression between males varies, depending upon how close the values of relatedness are to those of the sufficient condition of cooperation.
- Springer-Verlag Tokyo Inc.の論文
- 2005-12-01
斎藤 裕
斎藤 裕
Mori Kotaro
Symbiotic Engineering Department Of Bioinformatic Engineering Graduate School Of Information Science
SAITO Yutaka
Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
Saito Yutaka
Laboratory of Animal Ecology Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University
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