Change of Pancreatic Enzymes, Pancreatic Stone Protein (PSP), and Plasma α_2-Macroglobulin-Trypsin Complex-like Substance (MTLS) in the Activation of Pancreatic Juice
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-11-01
Kida M
Nagoya City Univ. Graduate School Of Medical Sci.
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka University Medical School
Mikami Kazuya
Department Of Urology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Ishiguro Hiroshi
Department Of Gastroenterology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Meijo Hospital
Naruse Satoru
Department Of Gastroenterology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Naruse Satoru
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Hayakawa T
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Hayakawa Tetsuo
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Nagoya
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine II Nagoya University School of Medicine
NAKAE Yasuyuki
Department of Internal Medicine II, Nagoya University School of Medicine
NAKAE Yasuyuki
Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
KATO Masanori
Department of Clinical Chemistry, Maruko Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Department of Clinical Chemistry, Maruko Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Hayakawa Tetsuo
Second Department Of Internal Medicine
Ishiguro Hiroshi
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Osaka University Medical School
Nakae Y
Departments Of Internal Medicine Ii Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Naruse S
Department Of Gastroenterology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
Kato Masanori
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Hayakawa Tetsuo
Intractable Pancreatic Disease Investigation And Research Group Of The Japanese Ministry Of Health A
Hayakawa S
Maruko Pharmaceutical Co. Kasugai Jpn
Ishiguro Hiroshi
Departments Of Human Nutrition And Gastroenterology Nagoya University Graduate School Of Medicine
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