The "Trace Recorder", a new device for surveying mammal home ranges, and its application to raccoon dog research
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A new telemetric system known as the “Trace Recorder” was developed in order to reduce labor costs and to avoid radio-tracking location errors. It was first tested during studies of habitat utilization by raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides viverrinus, in Japan. The Trace Recorder (TR) consists of four separate units : beacons, recording units (RU), an automatic collar release system (ACRS) and a personal computer for processing data. The beacons emit 8 kHz magnetic signals periodically. A total of 600 different magnetic codes can be used in order to identify locations. The collar-based RU intercepts and records signals when the study animal is within 3 m of a beacon. The ACRS installed on the collar alongside the RU allows the collar to be released by a special code and recovered so as to facilitate the retrieval of stored data. In order of evaluate the capabilities of the trace recorder system, we used the TR in the analysis of the habitat use of a raccoon dog for 25 days between 16 November and 10 December 1996 in Hinode Town, suburb of Tokyo. Twenty-four beacons were set at along paths, at a garbage site, and at badger setts and animal latrines. The RU recorded 91 time units and durations of visits to trails and to some cores sites were collected. The TR system is capable of recording census data 24 hours every day for three months. The new TR system proved to be more accurate than current radio-telemetry equipment for recording frequency, duration and times of visits to target sites by the study animal.
- 日本哺乳類学会の論文
- 1998-12-01
金子 弥生
金子 弥生
国土交通省国土技術政策総合研究所 環境部緑化生態研究室 科学技術振興事業団
Kaneko Y
Wildlife Conservation Laboratory Division Of Ecosciences Institute Of Symbiotic Science And Technolo
Kaneko Yayoi
Wildlife Conservation Yamazaki College Of Animal Health Technology
Atoda Oichi
Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And T
Maruyama Naoki
Wildlife Conservation Department Of Ecoregion Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agr
金子 弥生
SUZUKI Takeyoshi
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo Noko University
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo Noko University
Wildlife Conservation, Department of Ecoregion Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo Noko Universit
Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering, Tokyo Noko University
Suzuki Takeyoshi
Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Faculty Of Technology Tokyo University Of Agriculture And T
Kanzaki Nobuo
Wildlife Conservation Department Of Ecoregion Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo Noko University
Tomisawa Masaki
Graduate School Of Bio-applications And Systems Engineering Tokyo Noko University
Maruyama Naoki
Wildlife Conservation Department Of Ecoregion Science Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo Noko University
Kaneko Yayoi
Wildlife Conservation Laboratory Division Of Ecosciences Institute Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture And Technology
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