Human Annexin V Binds to Sulfatide : Contribution to Regulation of Blood Coagulation
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Japanese Biochemical Societyの論文
- 2004-05-01
小島 京子
小島 京子
Matsumoto I
Matsumoto Isamu
The Graduate School Of Humanities And Sciences Ochanomizu University
Kojima Aikawa
Graduate School Of Humanities And Sciences Ochanomizu University
Kaneko K
Showa Univ. School Of Medicine Tokyo Jpn
The Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
Matsumoto I
Ochanomizu Univ. Tokyo
Matsumoto Isamu
Matsumoto Institute Of Life Science
Matsumoto Isamu
Division Of Human Genetics Medical Research Institute Kanazawa Medical University
Matsumoto Isamu
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Matsumoto Isamu
Graduate School Of Humanities And Sciences Ochanomizu University
Satoh Ayano
The Graduate School Of Humanities And Sciences Ochanomizu University
IDA Michiru
The Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
The Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Ochanomizu University
Ida Michiru
Graduate School Of Humanities And Sciences Ochanomizu University
Ida Motoko
Molecular Medicine Laboratories Institute For Drug Discovery Research Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co.
Kojima Kyoko
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Science Ochanomizu University
Matsumoto Isamu
The Graduat School of Humanities and Sciences
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