The Time-Dependent Serial Gene Response to Zeocin Treatment Involves Caspase-Dependent Apoptosis in HeLa Cells
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- Center for Academic Pub. Japanの論文
- 2005-04-20
PARK Tae-Kyu
Department of Biotechnology, College of Natural Science, Konkuk University
Department of Ophthalmology, Hallym University
Park Tae-kyu
Department Of Biotechnology Konkuk University
Kimm Kuchan
National Genome Research Institute National Institute Of Health
Park Tae-kyu
Department Of Biotechnology College Of Biomedical And Health Science Konkuk University
National Genome Research Institute, National Institute of Health
Choi Dong
Department Of Biotechnology Graduate School Of Engineering Osaka University
Choi Dong
Department Of Biotechnology Konkuk University
Kimm Kuchan
National Genome Research Institute Nih
HWANG Jooyeon
National Genome Research Institute, NIH
KIM Young-Youl
National Genome Research Institute, NIH
HUH Sungjin
National Genome Research Institute, NIH
SHIM Junghee
National Genome Research Institute, NIH
KIM Soonhag
National Genome Research Institute, NIH
Kim Young-youl
National Genome Research Institute Nih
Kim Soonhag
National Genome Research Institute Nih
Huh Sungjin
National Genome Research Institute Nih
Shim Junghee
National Genome Research Institute Nih
Hwang Jooyeon
National Genome Research Institute Nih
Choi Dong
Department Of Biological Education Chonnam National University
Park Chan
National Genome Research Institute Nih
PARK Tae-Kyu
Department of Biotechnology, Konkuk University
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