アバタとエージェントを利用した仮想対話インタフェースによる Soft Interaction
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A virtual dialogue interface for soft interaction between a system and a user is proposed. It enables the information acquisition as a sub task without hindering the user main task during the main task execution. A virtual dialogue is performed with suitable timing between the two characters used in this interface: the user avatar with a model obtained by observing the interaction of the user and the environment, and an agent having the knowledge about the environment. The user is usually an indirect participant performing ``soft interaction as an onlooker of the system behavior (dialogue between the user avatar and the agent), and only when required he can participate through a direct interaction instead of his avatar. A car navigation interface was used to examine the applicability of the proposed technique. A task of memorizing information about ones profile while performing an operation task was given and the rate of main task execution and rate of related information memory were used as evaluation criteria. Our proposed method showed outstanding results comparing to the conventional direct interactive interface. Moreover, the degree of favorable impression for the proposed interface was higher than the conventional one and the subjectivity evaluation clearly showed that it was considered as a sociable interface.
- 社団法人 人工知能学会の論文
- 2004-11-01
小澤 順
小澤 順
工藤 貴弘
吉岡 元貴
工藤 貴弘
工藤 貴弘
小澤 順
工藤 貴弘
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