Cationic Colloidal Gold Staining of Acidic Glycoconjugates in Mouse Paneth Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1997-06-01
村田 長芳
Kim Bong
Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Pusan National University
Kim Jae
Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine, Pusan National University
Ge Ying
Department Of Anatomy Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Tsuyama Shinichiro
Second Department Of Anatomy Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Tsuyama Shinichiro
Department Of Anatomy Kagoshima University Faculty Of Medicine
Murata Fusayoshi
Department Of Anatomy Kagoshima University Faculty Of Medicine
Department of Anatomy, Kagoshima University Faculty of Medicine
GE Ying
TSUYAMA Shinichiro
Tsuyama Shinichiro
Departments Of Structural Cell Biology Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sc
Murata Fusayoshi
Departments Of Structural Cell Biology Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sc
Yang Dong-hua
Department Of Anatomy Kagoshima University Faculty Of Medicine
Kim Bong
Department Of Anatomy College Of Medicine Pusan National University
Ohmori Jun
Department Of Anatomy Kagoshima University Faculty Of Medicine
Kim Jae
Department Of Anatomy College Of Medicine Pusan National University
Tsuyama S.
Dept.anat. Kagoshima Univ.
Tsuyama Shinichiro
Department Of Structural Cell Biology Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Sciences
Kim Jae
Department Of Anatomy And Brain Korea 21 Project For Medical Science Yonsei University College Of Medicine
Kim Jae
Deparment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Seoul National University Collge of Medicine
- 2-IV-14 粘液組織化学の走査電子顕微鏡への応用の試み
- 2-IV-13 胃粘膜の比較解剖学的研究
- 31-I-10 胆石形成食投与マウスにおける胆嚢上皮の組織化学的研究
- IS-12 Limited benefit of neoadjuvant chemotherapy before surgery in FIGO stage IB-IIA cervical cancer : a case-control study and meta-analysis(Group2 Oncology2,International Session)
- 17. 胃被蓋上皮細胞の粘液産生に関する細胞化学的研究
- IB-30 胃酸分泌に関する細胞骨格の局在動態(細胞間結合,一般演題発表,第46回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- IB-7 壁細胞における酸分泌と膜移行変化(消化管,一般演題発表,第46回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- S1-2 消化管粘液分泌細胞のシアロムチン/スルフォムチンと超微構造(ムチン,シンポジウム1,第45回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- Expression of Mucins in the Human Fetal and Neonatal Stomach
- P-10-B 胃底腺壁細胞における細胞骨格系(消化管,ポスター発表,第44回日本組織細胞化学会 第35回日本臨床電子顕微鏡学会 合同学術集会)
- 30-II-11 右頬粘膜部に発生した偽肉腫様癌腫の免疫組織化学的、超微形態学的検討(口腔,一般口演,第44回日本組織細胞化学会 第35回日本臨床電子顕微鏡学会 合同学術集会)
- 30-II-06 周辺性エナメル上皮腫の電子顕微鏡学的観察(口腔,一般口演,第44回日本組織細胞化学会 第35回日本臨床電子顕微鏡学会 合同学術集会)
- W2-4 今 高圧凍結の時(凍結技法の基礎と免疫組織化学への応用,ワークショップ2,第44回日本組織細胞化学会 第35回日本臨床電子顕微鏡学会 合同学術集会)
- 20. 肥満細胞および肥満細胞腫細胞の核酸代謝
- IIB-9 白血病細胞の末梢血組織標本での細胞増殖と細胞死、P53蛋白発現の関係の免疫組織化学的検討(腫瘍,一般演題発表,第46回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- IB-9 ヒト胃粘膜上皮の増殖、幹細胞、細胞死の免疫組織科学的検討(消化管,一般演題発表,第46回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- I-C-06 Catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD)反応による超高感度免疫組織化学的染色でFITC標識tyramideを用いる場合の非特異反応のその解決方法について(方法,一般演題 ポスター発表,第45回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- 29-II-12 超高感度免疫組織化学的染色方法の問題点とその解決方法(方法,一般口演,第44回日本組織細胞化学会 第35回日本臨床電子顕微鏡学会 合同学術集会)
- A-15 Thymidine phosphprylase陽性樹状細胞は胃B細胞性悪性リンパ腫の組織形成を特徴づけている(発癌,一般演題(口演発表),第42回 日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- IID-18 Lysosomal Glycogen Storage Disease with Normal Acid Maltase 2症例の生検筋における組織化学的検索
- I-B-28 ライソゾームの組織化学的変化からみた抗ショック薬の効果
- 31-I-7 DEHP投与ラット肝細胞の糸粒体と過酸化小体の核酸合成に関する光顕及び電顕ラジオオートグラフィー
- 5. ラット肝細胞の糸粒体および過酸化小体の核酸合成に関する電顕ラジオオートグラフィー
- 4. 電顕ラジオオートグラフィーにおけるメッシュ多量処理の一変法
- 3. 国産原子力乳剤とPhenidone現像液による電顕ラジオオートグラフィー
- 74. 培養細胞のRNA合成に及ぼす数種の発癌剤の影響 : 電顕ラジオオートグラフ的研究
- 71. IgD型骨髄腫患者肝臓Disse腔の沈着物に関する組織化学的研究
- 40. ^3H-methyl prednisoloneの電顕ラジオオートグラフィー
- 成熟ラット腹腔肥満細胞の核における³H-thymidineのとり込み
- P1-IS-48 Diabetes Mellitus Following Platinum-Based Chemotherapy in Patients with Gynecologic Malignancy
- P1-IS-38 The Safety and Efficacy of Belotecan in Patients with Recurrent or Refractory Ovarian Cancer
- P1-IS-6 The mRNA and protein expressions of cell division cycle 25 phosphatase in cervical carcinoma and their correlations with clinicopathologic factors
- P-IS-44 Correlation of HLA-G gene Expression with Various Prognostic Factors in Ovarian Carcinoma(Oncology 12,Group 99,International Session)
- P-IS-41 Analysis of Chromosomal Changes in Serous Ovarian Carcinoma by Microarray Comparative Genomic Hybridization : Potential Predictive Markers for Chemoresistant Disease(Oncology 11,Group 98,International Session)
- Immunohistochemical analysis of p16INK4A protein overexpression in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia(Oncology 4)
- 2-8.Clinical Usefulness of Cervicogram as Primary Screening Test of Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia(Session 3 Oncology 3)
- Optical Bistability in a Semiconductor Etalon with Nonlinear Integrated Mirrors
- A Novel Method of Boron Delivery Using Sodium Iodide Symporter for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
- Two-Domain Hybrid-Aligned Nematic Cell Fabricated by Ion Beam Treatment of Vertical Alignment Layer
- Horizontal Switching of Half-Wave Liquid Crystal Cell for Transflective Display
- In-Plane-Switching Liquid Crystal Cell with Zigzag Electrodes for Tansflective Displays
- Simple Cell Gap Measurement Method for Twisted-Nematic Liquid Crystal Cells
- Optimization of Panel Parameters and Drive Signals for High-Speed Matrix Addressing of a Bistable Twisted-Nematic Liquid Crystal Display
- IS-13 Management of retroperitoneal lymph nodes in advanced ovarian cancer(Group2 Oncology1,International Session)
- IS-15 Adjuvant Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy-Induced Neutropenia as a Prognostic Indicator of Treatment in Cervical Cancer(Group2 Oncology1,International Session)
- IS-103 Analysis of Cervical Cancer Cases with Negative Results on Hybrid Capture II Tests(Group12 Oncology4,International Session)
- Disease confined within the ovary and smaller amount of ascites are good prognostic factors for survival of patients with squamous cell carcinoma arising from mature cystic teratoma of the ovary : A case series in Korea and review of the published reports
- P3-IS-1 Polymorphisms of ERCC1 C8092A and Glutathione-S-Transferase T1 (GSTT1) Associated With Survival and Response After Platinum Based Chemotherapy in Patients With Epithelial Ovarian Cancer(Group85 Oncology1,International Session)
- Matrix metalloproteinase-1 promoter polymorphism and epithelial ovarian cancer : Does ethnicity matter?
- P1-IS-10 Can preoperative MRI correctly evaluate nodal and parametrial invasion in early stage cervical cancer?
- P1-IS-4 Altered level of Smad4 is associated with human cervical carcinogenesis
- Crystal Structure of N-tert-Butoxycarbonylbis(2-thioacetoxyethyl)amine
- Crystal Structures of Palladium Complexes of 6-Oxa-3,9-dithiabicyclo[9,4,0]-pentadeca-1(11),12,14-triene(L), cis-X_2LPd(II)(X=NO_3,SCN)
- Martensitic Transformation and Superelasticity of Ti-Nb-Pt Alloys
- Low-Cell-Gap Measurement by Rotation of a Wave Retarder(Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology)
- A New Design of Optical Configuration of Taansflective Liquid Crystal Displays using Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystals and Frustelectric Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Reflective Liquid Crystal Display Using a Non-Twist Half-Wave Cell
- Efficacy and outcome of anterior vaginal wall repair using polypropylene mesh (Gynemesh)
- Methylation status of mage gene famaily and cage1 promoters in squamous cell carcinoma of uterine cervix(Oncology 4)
- Polymorphisms of interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-4R and the risk of ovarian cancer(Oncology 2)
- ERCC1 polymorphism : a predictive factor of resistance to first-line platinum-based chemotherapy in epithelial ovarian cancer(Oncology 1)
- 4-7.Efficacy of Single-agent Gemcitabine and Gemcitabine-Carboplatin Combined Chemotherapy in Patients with Recurrent Ovarian Cancer(Session 5 Oncology 5)
- Inhibitory Effect of Poncirus trifoliate on Acetylcholinesterase and Attenuating Activity against Trimethyltin-Induced Learning and Memory Impairment
- Adverse Pregnancy Outcome Following Post-Chorionic Villus Sampling Amniocentesis Compared to Chorionic Villus Sampling
- IS-110 3-Dimensional Culture System of Endometrial Cells for Studying the Human Implantation Mechanism
- Molecular Basis of the High-Affinity Activation of Skeletal Ryanodine Receptor Ca^-Release Channel by Imperatoxin A
- Three-dimensional Solution Structure of Calcium Channel Activator : Impreratoxin A Determined by NMR Spectroscopy
- Hydrogen peroxide increases human leukocyte adhesion to porcine aortic endothelial cells via NFκB-dependent up-regulation of VCAM-1
- The Regulation of the Prolactin Receptor Gene Expression in the Mammary Gland of Early Pregnant Mouse
- Acute Expression of the PRL Receptor Gene after Ovariectomy in Midpregnant Mouse Mammary Gland
- A Novel Driving Method for Fast Switching of a π Cell for Display of Moving Pictures
- Electrooptic Characteristics of New Configuration for Reflective In-Plane-Switching Liquid Crystal Device
- Geometric Structure for the Uniform Splay-to-Bend Transition in a π-Cell
- Novel Cell Gap Measurement Method for a Liquid Crystal Cell : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- P-408 ヒト大腸癌の高肝転移株および低肝転移株と肝類洞内皮細胞の相互作用における超微形態学的検討
- 大腸癌の高肝転移株および低肝転移株の肝類洞における超微形態学的検討
- PP731 血管新生因子(Thymidine Phosphorylase)肝転移における接着, 浸潤に与える影響
- 高圧凍結の組織化学への応用
- P I-51 顆粒白血球硫酸化プロテオグリカンの局在
- Fabry 病および神崎病におけるリソゾーム内蓄積物質の免疫組織電顕およびレクチン組織電顕的解析
- 分泌および休止相における胃底腺壁細胞 -高圧凍結・凍結置換法を用いた免疫組織化学-
- Cationic Colloidal Gold Staining of Acidic Glycoconjugates in Mouse Paneth Cells
- Autonomic Radio Resource Control for QoS-Aware Multimedia Wireless Networks(Mobile Multimedia Communications)
- Crystal Structure of 6-Oxa-3,9-dithiabicyclo[9.2.2]pentadeca-1(15), 11,13-triene
- ラット胃底腺増殖細胞の個体発生
- ご挨拶(第45回日本組織細胞化学会総会・学術集会)
- 72 ヒト甲状腺癌の光顕ならびに電顕的^Hgラジオオートグラフィーおよび^Hgケモオートグラフィー
- トラフショウジョウバエ亜群の進化遺伝学-1-生殖的隔離と系統樹〔英文〕
- 4 凍結超薄切法による顆粒白血球の細胞内レクチン結合部位の証明
- 3 ラジオオートグラフィーならびに顕微蛍光測光法による肥満細胞および肥満細胞腫細胞の細胞内ムコ物質の定量的研究
- 33. 肥満細胞ポリアニオンの顕微螢光測光による定量
- 高圧凍結 : 過去,現在,未来
- 固定法 3.高圧凍結
- 高圧凍結:過去, 現在そして未来
- Amplification without Inversion in the Four-level N-Type ^Rb D_1-Line
- 23. 電顕酵素組織化学試料の多量処理簡便法
- Performance Analysis of the ertPS Algorithm and Enhanced ertPS Algorithm for VoIP Services in IEEE 802.16e Systems
- レクチン組織染色法を用いた結膜杯細胞複合糖質の糖鎖解析
- 眼科学の生涯教育の一環としての解剖学実習の有用性
- 60. 凍結超薄切法による可溶性物質乾燥マウント電顕ラジオオートグラフィーの手技