Increased Susceptibility of Mice to Malarial Infection Following UV-B Irradiation
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Using a mouse model, we examined whether UV-B was a risk factor for malarial infection. Two mouse strains, susceptible (BALB/c) and resistant (C57BL/10) to murine malaria (Plasmodium chabaudi), were UV-preirradiated and infected with a sub-lethal dose of malaria parasite (104 and 105, respectively). Parasite growth was assayed with tail-blood smears counting parasitized red blood cells. Mice resistant to malaria were bled by heart puncture and the plasma cytokines were determined. Our results showed that UV-B irradiation worsened the malarial infection and 100% of the malaria-resistant mice strains died due to a usual infection at sub-lethal dose following UV-B irradiation. In the resistant mice strain infected with the parasite, the plasma IFN-^Q production was inhibited by UV-B irradiation and the maximum titer was about one-fifth of the non-irradiated mice. Furthermore, activation of macrophages from UV-irradiated mice also decreased compared with that of non-irradiated mice. IFN-^Q administration prevented the death of UV-B irradiated resistant mice and the cure ratio was 60%. In conclusion, UV-B increased the susceptibility of both strains of mice and impaired IFN-γ production in the malaria-resistant mice strain. J Epidemiol, 1999 ; 9 : S93-S96.
- 日本疫学会の論文
神山 恒夫
神山 恒夫
国立感染症研究所 人獣共通感染症室
神山 恒夫
ITO Reiko
Department of Oral Pathology, Osaka University Faculty of Dentistry
神山 恒夫
KOURA Minako
Department of Veterinary Science, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Department of Virology I, National Institute of Infectious Disease
Ito Reiko
Department Of Gastroenterology Kyoto Prefectural University Of Medicine
Ito Reiko
Department Of Virology I
Yamamoto Kiichi
Department Of Virology I
Koura Minako
Department Of Veterinary Science National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
Department of veterinary Science, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
Kamiyama Tsuneo
Department Of Veterinary Science National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
神山 恒夫
Department Of Veterinary Science National Institute Of Infectious Diseases
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