- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2004-04-15
- 名古屋市における都市大気中二酸化炭素及びメタン濃度に対するヒートアイランド形成の影響
- 深頸部膿瘍から進展の降下性壊死性縦隔炎例
- 都市大気中亜酸化窒素濃度の連続モニタリング及び地球温暖化ガス濃度との相互関係(高度技術を支える分析化学)
- 加齢による聴力障害の危険因子
- Speciation of Small Molecules and Inorganic Ions in Salmon Egg Cell Cytoplasm by Surfactant-Mediated HPLC/ICP-MS
- 430 セルロース系材料を用いた伝統工芸品の組織分析(生物の利用,エネルギー・環境材料,オーガナイスドセッション10,第53期学術講演会)
- Determination of 56 Elements in Lake Baikal Water by High-Resolution ICP-MS with the Aid of a Tandem Preconcentration Method
- Partitionings and Kinetic Behaviors of Major-to-Ultratrace Elements between Industrial Waste Incineration Fly and Bottom Ashes as Studied by ICP-AES and ICP-MS
- キレート樹脂濃縮を併用した多元素同位体希釈/誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による河川水中銅, カドミウム, 鉛の定量
- Simultaneous Multielement Determination of Hydride- and Oxoanion-Forming Elements in Seawater by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry after Lanthanum Coprecipitation
- 天然塩製塩過程における海水から塩への元素の分配
- Chemical Stability of Large Organic Molecule-Metal Complexes Dissolved in Natural Water as Studied by Size Exclusion Chromatography/Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- Multielement Determination of Trace Elements in Coastal Seawater by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with Aid of Chelating Resin Preconcentration
- 誘導結合プラズマ発光分析法及び誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による天日塩中不溶粒子の多元素分析とその地球化学的考察
- Multielement Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Geochemical Samples by Liquid Chromatography/Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- 名古屋市における都市大気中メタン濃度の動態解析
- Multielement Determination of Trace Metals in Seawater by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry after Tandem Preconcentration Using a Chelating Resin
- Distributions of Major-to-Ultratrace Elements among the Particulate and Dissolved Fractions in Natural Water as Studied by ICP-AES and ICP-MS after Sequential Fractionation
- Multielement Determination and Speciation of Major-to-Trace Elements in Black Tea Leaves by ICP-AES and ICP-MS with the Aid of Size Exclusion Chromatography
- Partitionings of Major-to-Ultratrace Elements in Bittern as Determined by ICP-AES and ICP-MS with Aid of Chelating Resin Preconcentration
- Multielement Determination of Trace Metals in Seawater by ICP-MS Using a Chelating Resin-Packed Minicolumn for Preconcentration
- Gadolinium Anomaly in the Distributions of Rare Earth Elements Observed for Coastal Seawater and River Waters around Nagoya City
- Distributions of Major-to-Ultratrace Elements among the Particulate and Dissolved Fractions in Natural Water as Studied by ICP-AES and ICP-MS after Sequential Fractionation
- Multielement Monitoring for Dissolved and Acid-soluble Concentrations of Trace Metals in Surface Seawater along the Ferry Track between Osaka and Okinawa as Investigated by ICP-MS
- An Enriched Stable-Isotope Probe Method for the Speciation of Trace Metals in Natural Water by Size-Exclusion Chromatography and ICP-MS
- 微量元素の生物地球化学並びに環境動態に関する研究-天然水中微量元素の化学形態別分析-
- Fractional Distributions of Major-to-Ultratrace Elements in Coastal Seawater and Their Partitionings in Laboratory-Made Salts as Investigated by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry with
- 誘導結合プラズマ発光分析法および誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法による食用塩の多元素定量
- 厚生省急性高度難聴調査研究班による突発性難聴の重症度基準による全国疫学調査結果の解析
- 突発性難聴における耳鳴,耳閉塞
- 突発性難聴の重傷度分類
- 突発性難聴における耳鳴, 耳閉感
- キレート樹脂濃縮法を併用した誘導結合プラズマ質量分析法及び誘導結合プラズマ発光分析法による河川水標準物質(JAC 0031, JAC 0032)中の微量元素の多元素定量
- ガスクロマトグラフィー/ICP質量分析法による有機アンチモン化学種の同位体比計測
- 「分析中部・ゆめ21」第2回若手交流会
- Versatile Simultaneous Multielement measurement System with Combination of ICP-MS and ICP-AES through Optical Fiber
- Chemical Speciation of Large Molecular Metal Complexes in Pond Water
- Multielement Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Rock Sample by Liquid Chromatography / Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- Multielement Determination of Rare Eare Earth Elements by Liquid Chromatography/Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry
- Multielement Analysis of Commercial Mineral Waters by Chelating Resin Preconcentration and ICP-MS
- 名古屋市における都市大気中メタン濃度変化と煙霧層形成の関係
- Multielement Determination of Major-to-Trace Elements in Natural Solar Salt by ICP-AES and ICP-MS after Chelating Resin Preconcentration
- Speciation of Trace Metals in Pond Water as Studied by Liquid Chromatography/Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectorometry
- Multielement Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Coastal Seawater by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry after Preconcentration Using Chelating Resin
- 人間ドックで聴力異常を指摘された高齢者の聴力像と喫煙およびアルコール習慣との関連
- 60歳以上の人間ドック受診者の聴力
- 深層海水塩の多元素定量分析
- 食塩の多元素分析と化学形態別分析
- 沿岸海水・河川水中ガドリニウムの濃度異常
- 界面活性剤被覆固定相を用いたHPLC/ICP-MSによる血清中シスプラチンの挙動解析
- 突発性難聴の長期経過
- 突発性難聴の長期予後
- 水生昆虫の体内カドミウム量を指標とした湖水の重金属汚染予測
- Speciation of Small Molecules and Inorganic Ions in Salmon Egg Cell Cytoplasm by Surfactant-Mediated HPLC/ICP-MS
- 52 全国調査からみた突発性難聴の推移