- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to elucidate the phenomenon that the atmospheric methane (CH_4) concentration is higher in urban area, the influences of urban atmospheric structure on the temporal and geographical distributions of atmospheric CH_4 concentrations have been investigated in relation with the meteorological conditions by analyzing the continuous monitoring data in Nagoya City. When the CH_4 concentrations became higher in the downtown area during the daytime, the vertical profiles of potential temperature showed the stable atmospheric conditions above the urban area and the geographical distributions of wind speed and direction exhibited the stagnant atmospheric region around the urban surface area. These results suggested the stagnancy of a smog layer in the urban atmosphere. Statistical analysis of the concentrations of greenhouse gases (CO_2, CH_4) and air pollutants (CO, NMVOCs) as well as meteorological data through the year of 1995 also indicated that the concentration variation of CH_4 was deeply related to the smog layer formation under the stable atmospheric conditions. Thus, it is concluded that the higher concentration of CH_4 in urban area was observed even in the daytime when a smog layer was formed under fine weather and weak wind conditions.
- 日本地球化学会の論文
- 1999-03-10
伊藤 彰記
永田 陽子
伊藤 彰英
College Of Education University Of The Ryukyus
千葉 光一
Environmental Standard Section Inorganic Analytical Chemistry Division National Metrology Institute
千葉 光一
名古屋大学 工学部
高橋 一郎
高橋 一郎
猿渡 英之
伊藤 彰英
原口 紘「キ」
Chiba Koichi
Environmental Standard Section National Metrology Institute Of Japan (nmij) National Institute Of Ad
猿渡 英之
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